Freedom Marchers in Qoser 2024-02-10 17:17:24   MÊRDÎN - Freedom Marchers walked with the people in Qoser (Kızıltepe) and demanded Öcalan's freedom. DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır addressed the people of Qoser with the words, "Let's become millions and build a free and equal life."   Those who took part in the "Great Freedom March", which was launched on February 1 to demand the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in isolation on Imralı Island and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, reached the Qoser (Kızıltepe) district of Mêrdîn. Those in the Wan branch of the march, which continued in two branches, were welcomed with great enthusiasm by hundreds of people at the district bus station in Qoser, which they reached on the 10th day of the march.   The people of the district welcomed the Freedom Passengers by chanting slogans such as "Bîjî Serok Apo (Long live Leader Apo)", "Bîjî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)", "Jin Jîyan Azadî (Woman, Life, Freedom)" and playing drums, pipes and harbanes. Here, the citizens danced halay with the Freedom Passengers, holding hands, and then walked on the old hospital street. Women took part in the march in their national costumes, in which everyone from 7 to 70 participated.   The march, in which disabled citizens also participated in wheelchairs, continued with slogans and songs. Passersby and shopkeepers greeted the freedom march with applause and slogans.     A CARNATION WAS LEFT ON UĞUR KAYMAZ BOULEVARD   Freedom Passengers organized a commemoration on the Uğur Kaymaz Boulevard. The road named, who was murdered with 13 bullets in front of his home with his father on November 21, 2004, when he was only 12 years old. The freedom passengers, who continued their way after the commemoration, were welcomed with enthusiasm by another group waiting at the Freedom Square they reached. The crowd frequently chanted slogans such as "Youth is Apo's bouncer", "Biji Serok Apo", "Biji berxwedana zindanan" and "Bê Serok Jiyan nabe".     'LET'S BECOME MILLIONS'   Addressing the people of the district in Freedom Square, Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır said: "We, as Freedom Marchers, have been on the road for 10 days for Mr. Öcalan's freedom and the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue. Today we are in Qoser. Thank you for your support."   Saying that they have been longing for freedom for centuries, Bayındır said: “We started our march with this longing and we will continue this until our march reaches its goal. There is an absolute isolation on Mr. Öcalan. We have not bowed to this isolation before, and we will not bow down from now on either. We want the Kurdish issue to be resolved with its interlocutor as soon as possible. Its addressee is Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and this issue must be resolved with him as soon as possible. This issue is not only our problem. This issue is everyone's issue. If we are to live an equal and honorable life in Turkey, this issue must be resolved with the interlocutor. That's why we took the lead of this march. Let's become millions and build a free and equal life. We will continue until we achieve victory. "her bijî Qoser (Long live Qoser)"   After this welcome, Freedom Passengers visited the DEM Party district organization building.