'#TECRITHERYERDE' campaign on X: Our future is under threat 2024-02-09 09:10:57 NEWS CENTER – In the posts made on virtual media with the tag “ISOLATIONEVERYWHERE”, “Isolation has turned into a regime imposed on every moment of society. "Unless the Imralı isolation system ends, our future will be under threat." Democratic Regions Party (DBP) started the hashtag "#TECHRITHERYERDE" (#ISOLATIONEVERYWHERE) to draw attention to the fact that the isolation of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan has spread everywhere.   Many political parties, members of parliament and human rights defenders shared images with the words: “Isolation is the ground of poverty”, “Isolation is turning the whole country into a prison”, “Isolation is insistence on anti-democratic practices”, “Isolation is re-creating the Kurdish issue”, “Isolation targets society”, “Isolation is a blow to freedom of the press”, “Isolation is against the whole country”, "It is a one-man regime" and "Isolation is torture, torture is a crime against humanity".  Some of the posts shared are as follows:   “DBP: The Imralı isolation, which turned the entire country and society into a prison, recreates the Kurdish issue.   DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar: Isolation has turned into a regime imposed on every moment of society. We will fight together for our future, for our freedom, and we will win.   DBP Co-Chair Keskin Bayındır: The isolation system, which originates from the Imralı island prison, has today spread to all areas of life, without distinguishing between identity, belief, culture, language and nature. Unless the Imralı isolation system ends, our future will be under threat!   DBP Women's Council: There is isolation everywhere! It is a condition of being human not to remain silent about the hunger strikes that started in prisons with hundreds of prisoners and to break the isolation.   DEM Party: Isolation is not only a legal but also a social crime. The absolute isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan in Imralı for months has spread throughout the country and has captured law, society and politics. End the isolation!   Eren Keskin: Isolation is not only in prisons. Freedom of expression and freedom of association are also under isolation. Those who object are either in prison or under judicial control. We are all hostages.   Ali Bozan: The absolute isolation spreading from Imralı is the subject of the issues in the country. Poverty, violence, nature plunder, labor exploitation, war investments are part of isolation.   Saliha Aydeniz: Isolation is a form of captivity imposed on society through symbols. Mr. Abdullah Ocalan, who is in absolute isolation in Imralı, is the guarantor of peace in the Middle East and must immediately regain his physical freedom to fulfil his mission!   Mehmet Zeki Irmez: Isolation is a holistic policy to leave identities, culture, art, that is, all areas where society can breathe! Opposing this and speaking out is not a choice but an obligation. We set out with this motto and we will succeed with this motto!   İbrahim Halil Yıldız: The isolation imposed on Leader  of the Kurds Abdullah Ocalan in Imralı is spreading to every area of the country."