Abdullah Ocalan: If we are going to be free, we will be free together 2024-02-08 16:42:29   NEWS CENTER - PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who attaches great importance to the concept of "freedom" in all his evaluations and books, said: "If we are going to be free, we will be free together. My understanding of freedom is the freedom of the people."   Kurds, who have struggled with the demand for identity and status throughout history, have always been caught in the grip of genocide by the destruction and denial policies of nation states. Abdullah Öcalan, who said: “We became public-hearted a country whose name it cannot even say. We have revealed the truth of a people whose identity no one even wanted to talk about," took the first step in the meeting he held in Ankara's Çubuk Dam in 1973 with the thesis that "Kurdistan is a colony." Abdullah Ocalan made this thesis in Amed on 27 November 1978. Abdullah Ocalan, who took action for a political solution after this process, which he called "Resurrection", started to take steps in this direction with the ceasefire processes he declared since 1993.   In an environment where the atmosphere of a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue was established, the plans of global powers for the destruction and liquidation of Abdullah Ocalan were put into action. With this plan, drawn up step by step by NATO under the coordination of the United States of America (USA), a bomb assassination was carried out on May 6, 1996, near a house where Abdullah Ocalan was in Damascus, the capital of Syria. After lucky escape of Abdullah Ocalan, this time the button was pressed for the liquidation plan.   Abdullah Ocalan was forced to leave Syria on October 9, 1998, due to military and diplomatic pressure on the Damascus government. The international conspiracy plan was put into action when the plane the PKK Leader boarded from Syria landed in Athens, the capital of Greece. Abdullah Ocalan, in his own words, was "crucified" for 130 days in Europe, where he was declared "persona non grata", and was finally kidnapped and brought to Turkey on February 15, 1999.   Abdullah Ocalan, who is placed in a specially designed single-person prison on Imralı Island, has been held in severe isolation conditions for 25 years. There has been no news from Abdullah Ocalan for 35 months, although he had only a few meetings with his family and lawyers in 25 years.   The demand for freedom raised by the Kurds for Abdullah Ocalan since February 15, when he was brought to Turkey through an international conspiracy, has now turned into a global demand. The "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign launched by world-renowned figures in 74 countries was the most important stage of the globalization of this demand. In addition to this campaign, marches are being organized from Kurdistan to Europe to demand the freedom of Abdullah Ocalan on the 25th anniversary of the international conspiracy.   Abdullah Ocalan, whose freedom is demanded, made evaluations about the demand for freedom and the struggles for it in his meetings with his lawyers in Imralı. Evaluations on Abdullah Ocalan's concept of "freedom" and his struggles are as follows:   THE PEOPLE AND FREEDOM WILL WIN   June 29, 1999: Will I live for peace? You too have been given power. Everyone must show their contribution. The meaning of both war and peace is freedom; It is the achievement of freedom for all. I hope everyone will have this understanding. It seems like history is coming to a final turn. It is difficult but worth living. It's important to hold on. Being able to live is a great thing. The people and freedom will win, nothing will go backwards. The question is whether it will be with me or without me, the knot is here. If you could hear as much as I hear, if you could look as much as I can, everything would be different. Now there is a terrible history behind this. There is a history of emotion, longing and freedom. See these with this perspective and carry them to Turkey and the people. When I say I must live, it is clear that I do not want anything for myself.   WE NEED TO LIVE FOR PEACE   October 4, 1999: If I live, I will live as a writer said, "Oh time, either I will never live you, or I will live by engraving freedom." We have not lived for 50 years, we could not live. Living in these conditions is not living. The philosophical aspect of our life is important and tragic. It is necessary to live for peace. I am trying to achieve this even though I live in the most difficult conditions. Warring powers understand peace. They understand peace the most. War and peace are intertwined like flesh and nail. A person who cannot do one of them cannot do the other.   A PERSON WITH A GREAT THIRST FOR FREEDOM   November 11, 1999: Don't look at the world like a free person, look at the world like a person who is incredibly thirsty for freedom. If possible, live like this. In order to live your life without being deceived or holding yourself back. If you reach the meaning of the days lived here, you will win the biggest.   IF I LIVED, I LIVED FOR FREEDOM   19 December 1999: I do not want a life for myself. I didn't believe in living. I said, "Oh time, I will never experience you, and even if I do, I will live freely." To say that I am alive is a great deception. I made a terrible effort for 40 years. And this is my place now. I wasn't born at all. If I was born, I did not live. If I lived, I lived for some freedom.   NOW LIGHTNESS AND FREEDOM CAN BEGIN   January 13, 2000: When I was outside, I said I would come transformed, now I say I will come out transformed and changed. I find it meaningful to meet in 2000 on the basis of great passions for freedom. I live in great hope. If possible, understand for what hope I live. This will save you a lot. If you understand my level of hope, my passion for freedom, it is a treasure worth gold. If you gave me the world, I wouldn't deign to look. There is a history whose stories and novels have not been written. It is a great hope to present this history vividly. I've said it in the past; O time; If I can't fit a great freedom into you, I won't live. I will live, this freedom has been given to this people a little bit. You can perceive what I did as bringing minuses to zero. The 2000s could be years of positive emancipation. I want to live for this. Now light and freedom can begin. I have to live for this.   THOSE WHO GIVE MEANING TO FREEDOM ARE STRONG   August 2, 2000: It is important to live even one day for freedom. At that time, living was more difficult than dying, and the difficult was preferred. I decided that the difficult life was necessary. I developed my feelings and thoughts in favor of living. In fact, this was the biggest resistance.   December 25, 2001: Those who give meaning to their freedom and dignity are strong. These do not die. I am strong on this basis. I've done this since I was 8 years old. I tried to be an honorable child of my people and I succeeded. On this basis, all friends need to liberate and honor themselves correctly.   October 9, 2002: My freedom depends on the freedom of the Kurds. Tell them, if we are to be free, we will be free together, we will achieve free unity together.   I DEVOTED A LIFE TO FREEDOM   March 12, 2003: I gathered my thoughts around freedom. I won't give up on what I know to be true, even the world can't stop me. I revealed what the truth is. I paved the way for the truth. Even you were confused as to why I spoke like that at first. I gave 45 years of my life for this cause. I gave for the people of Anatolia, I loved them all, without making any distinction between Kurds, Turks, Arabs, Circassians and Armenians.   July 2, 2003: I dedicated a life to freedom. And I have come to some conclusions through my experiences. These should be appreciated. Understanding me actually means understanding yourself. This is not something very unknown. You have to know yourself correctly. I tell everyone to understand your own personality, your identity, your social reality. With the Kurds claiming freedom, the Turks can get out of the swamp. Kemal Pir was telling me, "The salvation of the Turkish people depends on the Kurds embracing their freedom correctly." Kemal was a noble, intelligent and consistent comrade who understood me well. The way to save Turkey from being divided is for the Kurds to protect their freedom.   YOU BECOME HUMAN BY CHOOSING FREEDOM   July 28, 2004: Whatever everyone's freedom is, so is mine. To the extent that I am free, my people are free. This is also the freedom of Turkey. It is also about the freedom of the Middle East. This dialectical bond has been established. My imprisonment here is the imprisonment of the people. It is necessary to achieve peace and unity of peoples as soon as possible. My issue of freedom is not about me personally. I am a libertarian, I am in favor of the democratic alliance of the people. This alliance will defeat the reactionism towards the Middle East. It has historical significance. This alliance is an alliance against imperialism in the Middle East.   August 12, 2004: I put forward a comprehensive freedom program. I advocate the peaceful and free association of peoples. We're imposing this on imperialism and reaction. Let us neither fall into separatism nor deny our lineage and identity. The line is clear; Those who say they are left and public-hearted need to understand. You become human by choosing freedom.   I BELIEVE IN THE UTOPIA OF FREEDOM   February 23, 2005: I am the owner of the line. Democratic confederalism of the peoples of the Middle East is the only way out. This is the way out in Iraq and Turkey. The way out for the Kurds is Kurdistan Democratic Confederalism. For the people, I am the owner of the line. I believe in the people's utopia of freedom and equality. I am bringing to life the thousands of years old utopia of the people. I am stronger than you, I am freer than those outside.   August 1, 2007: They tell me, "Give up your Kurdishness, national freedom and freedom resistance." I risk all kinds of pressure, difficult conditions and strings attached, but I will not give up freedom. The approach that I will be liquidated and will be eliminated is a huge deception.   I AM HERE FOR THE FREEDOM OF THE KURDS   March 12, 2008: I am here resisting and I will continue to resist. I will stay here for the rest of my life, that is not a problem for me. I do this not for myself, but because I believe I have to live. I still believe that I can do useful things for the Kurds. I am here for the freedom of the Kurds.   STRUGGLE FOR THE FREEDOM OF THE PEOPLE   July 8, 2009: The important thing is not my freedom, but the freedom of the people. I am not only fighting for the freedom of the Kurds, we fought for the freedom of all peoples. My understanding of freedom is the freedom of the people.   August 14, 2009: I have always found the current life, life on the streets and outside, scary. I abandoned all my dreams and pursued freedom. You, too, will abandon everything that belongs to the old era and the old life. If you have courage, strength, and knowledge, you will establish your new freedom utopias and new way of life. You will improve your emotional intelligence and analytical intelligence. You will use your emotional intelligence and analytical intelligence together, in a way that supports and enriches each other.   MA / Özgür Paksoy