Justice Watch continues for freedom of Ocalan 2024-02-07 21:12:09   NEWS CENTER - The only agenda of those who attended and visited the Justice Watch that continued in many cities was the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan.   The Justice Watch protests initiated by Mothers for Peace and their relatives of prisoners in many cities with their demands for the solution of the Kurdish issue and the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan continues.   WAN   The action launched in Wan, under the leadership of the Association for Assistance with Prisoners and Convict Families (TUHAY-DER), continues its 65th day. The ongoing action at the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Wan Provincial Organization building was attended by People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Westan (Gevaş) district administrators, DEM Party's Wan Metropolitan Municipality Co-mayor candidates Neslihan Şedal and Abdullah Zeydan.   Speaking to the visit, Westan District Co-chair Muzaffer Yıldız said: “We will continue our struggle to ensure Mr. Ocalan's physical freedom. We will not give up our struggle until Mr. Ocalan and our prisoners are free." Speaking afterwards, Wan Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Candidate Neslihan Şedal stated that it was time to ensure Abdullah Ocalan's physical freedom and said: “This action is a rebellion against injustice and lawlessness. We now want Mr. Ocalan to be free."   'THE ONLY CONTACTEE IS OCALAN'   Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Candidate Abdullah Zeydan said: “There has been a struggle in prisons for days. The prisoners' demand is Mr. Ocalan's physical freedom and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. These demands are justified demands. The demands of the prisoners must be fulfilled as soon as possible. Solution to the Kurdish issue means solution to all issues. The way to find a solution is to abolish the isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan and ensure his physical freedom. When Mr. Ocalan's voice comes, justice and peace come to society."   The watch continued with visits throughout the day.   MERSIN   The action started in Mersin by Çukurova Association for Assistance with Families of Detainees and Convicts (Çukurova TUAY-DER) at the association building continued with visits on its 66th day. DEM Party Erdemli district executives attended the watch, which was attended by the public, especially the Mothers for Peace. Speaking at the watch where slogans of "Bijî berxwedana zindanan (Long live resistance of dungeons)" and "Jin, Jîyan, Azadî (Woman, Life, Freedom)" were frequently chanted.   ADANA   The Justice Watch, initiated by the Akdeniz Adana Association for Assistance with Families of Detainees and Convicts (AATUHAY-DER), continued at the association building on its 66th day. The watch carried out by Mothers for Peace was visited by DEM Party provincial and district administrators. Mother for Peace Gulistan Arslan emphasized that in order for the blood and tears to stop, the isolation on Abdullah Ocalan must be abolished.   MÊRDÎN   Many citizens visited the Justice Watch held at the DBP provincial building in Mêrdîn. At the Justice Watch, songs were sung and conversations were held about the freedom of PKK Leader Ocalan. At the watch, where information was given that the Freedom March would reach Nisêbîn (Nusaybin) district on February 8 and continue with Qoser (Kızıltepe) and Artuklu districts, TUHADFED Representative Fettah Tekin called for participation in the march.   Stating that the marching column that set out from Wan will be in Nisêbîn tomorrow, Tekin said: “We have a call to all the people of Mêrdîn; This march is a march initiated for the freedom of Mr. Ocalan. The Kurdish issue will not be solved unless Mr. Ocalan is free. Therefore, all our people should support this action. This action of ours is not an action of a few days. This action will continue. It will be in Nisêbîn on the 8th, Artuklu on the 9th and Qoser on the 10th. We hope that our people will participate.”   AMED   The action launched in Amed under the leadership of the Association of Solidarity with Prisoners' Families (TUAY-DER) continued the 65th day at the DEM Party Rezan district building. A banner was hung in the hall where the action took place: "Ji bo edaletê tecrîdê bitikînin, ji bo aşitiya ciwakî em bibin dengê zindanan/ Let's break the isolation for justice, let's be a voice in prisons for social peace."   At the watch, which was visited by the DEM Party Local Governments Commission and citizens, attention was drawn to the Imralı isolation and a call was made to support the "Great Freedom March".    ISTANBUL   The Justice Watch action, which was initiated in Istanbul under the leadership of the Marmara Association of Assistance and Solidarity with the Families of Detainees and Convicts (MATUHAYDER), continued its 57th day. Banners in Kurdish and Turkish, "Let's break the isolation for the construction of a free life, let's be a voice to the prisons" and "Let's break the isolation for justice, let's be a voice to the prisons for social peace" were hung in the hall in the DEM Party Esenyurt District Organization building, where the protest was taking place. The slogans of "Bijî berxwedana zindanan" and "Bê Serok jiyan nabe" were frequently chanted during the protest.   ÊLIH   In Êlih, the Justice Watch continued its 7th day at the DBP provincial building. The watch, where the slogans "Bijî berxwedana zîndanan", "We will win by resisting", "Bijî Serok Apo" and "Jin, jiyan, azadî" were frequently chanted.   Speaking at the watch, DEM Party Provincial Co-chair Songül Korkmaz touched upon the ongoing actions and activities within the scope of the "Freedom for Abdullah Ocalan, solution to the Kurdish issue" campaign and called for ownership of the actions.   After the speeches, the watch continued throughout the day, accompanied by songs.   IZMIR   The Justice Watch, which was initiated in Izmir under the leadership of the Aegean Association for Assistance with Families of Detainees and Convicts (EGE TUHAYDER) and Tevgera Jinên Azad (TJA), continued its 19th day.