‘Victory belongs to those who march for freedom’ 2024-02-05 15:02:20 MÛŞ - Those in the Qers branch of the "Great Freedom March" reached Milazgir district of Mûş. Stating that they set out on this path to show the truth, HDK Co-Speaker and DEM Party Deputy Cengiz Çiçek said: "Victory belongs to those who march for their freedom."     The "Great Freedom March", which was initiated to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and to solve the Kurdish issue, continues its 5th day. The Qers (Kars) branch of the march, which started from two branches, reached the Milazgir (Malazgirt) district of Mûş in the morning after Agirî.   Freedom Marchers greeted the district residents and walked in front of the DEM district organization building. Citizens around at that moment also supported the marchers with their applause.   ‘WE DEFEND FREEDOM'   Speaking in front of the party building, HDK Co-Speaker and DEM Party Deputy Cengiz Çiçek stated that equality, justice and law have become a serious problem in Turkey and that the country is governed by oppression and exploitation. Çiçek said: “We set out to socialize this march in Kurdistan, which is under all kinds of difficulties and has not collapsed. As long as there is no democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, poverty, hunger, exile, prison and death will haunt these lands. We set out because we defend equality, justice and freedom in this country."   'MR. OCALAN IS THE LEADER OF THE KURDS'   Afterwards, Çiçek focused on the Kurdish issue and its consequences and said: “When we say democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, there is a truth. The Kurds see Mr. Ocalan as their leader and sole interlocutor. We will stand against any isolation that tries to put a distance between Mr. Ocalan and the unity of feeling and thought of the people. Years ago, millions of people signed and accepted Mr. Ocalan as their leader. This state accepted this truth during the solution process. We show what the truth is. This path is the path of truth, may it be blessed. The end of this road is the freedom of the Kurds and the abolition of isolation policies. Mr. Ocalan is the leader of the Kurds. He is a person who is focused on this issue, knows the way to a solution and will lead it. We will walk this path to abolish the Imralı torture system. Victory belongs to those who march for freedom."   Çiçek's words were responded to by the public with slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana Îmraliyê (Long live resistance of Imralı)".   Subsequently, the delegation members entered the party building and tell to the public about the purpose of the march. Again, some of the articles written by PKK Leader Ocalan in the past were read and a discussion was held on them. The delegation then continued its way to the Kop (Bulanık) district of Muş.