Freedom March: The dreams of those who said 'Imaginary Kurdistan is buried here' shattered 2024-02-03 14:58:20 AGIRI - While the Qers branch of the Great Freedom March was welcomed with great enthusiasm in Bazîd, where they passed through Îdir, DEM Party Bitlis Deputy Huseyin Olan said: "The dreams of the mentality that said 'Imaginary Kurdistan is buried here' have been shattered."   The "Great Freedom March", which was initiated in two branches to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, continues on its 3rd day.  Marchers in the Kars branch were sent off to Bazîd (Doğubeyazıt) district of Agri with applause and slogans in the morning. The marchers, who were welcomed by many people in Bazîd, marched in the district center. A press release was made after the 3-kilometer walk. Slogans such as "Bijî berxwedana Îmraliyê" and "Bimre koleti, bijî azadî" were chanted throughout the march.    'WE DO NOT ACCEPT ISOLATION'   Speaking in the press release afterwards, DEM Party Bitlis Deputy Hüseyin Olan said: “This city is an ancient and resilient city. Ehmedê Xanî said that we must be united. Today, millions of Kurds are fighting together. The freedom march we started today is the freedom of Mr. Ocalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. This march is to end the isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan. With the isolation, the country experienced devastation in every field. We do not accept this isolation, we want the Kurdish issue to be solved."   'THIS MARCH WILL SUCCESS'   Stating that all kinds of injustices have been done to the Kurds in the ongoing 40-year war, Olan said: “You committed genocide on the Kurds, threw them into acid wells, but you could not finish it. The dreams of the mentality that said 'Imaginary Kurdistan is buried here' have been shattered. The Kurds are a reality itself. The truth cannot be obscured. This walk is a long and successful walk. Everyone must know that the isolation on Mr. Ocalan will end and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue will be achieved."   VISIT TO EHMEDÊ XANÎ TOMB   The marchers then visited the tomb of Kurd Philosopher Ehmedê Xanî. Speaking during the visit, Mahmut Tanıs from the Democratic Islamic Congress drew attention to Xanî's struggle for life. Reminding that Xanî was on the side of oppressed rights and said: "I have always had a struggle against oppression. He took part in the struggle of the Kurds. He spent his life in struggle. He was one of the founding pioneers of Kurdî madrasahs, which are an important place for Kurds today. He wrote Nûbihar for Kurd children. Şêx Ehmedê Xanî was also a philosopher. Ehmedê Xanê was in love with freedom. For the Kurds, Ehmedê Xanî is everything. If one day the Kurds are free, this freedom must be declared here. Sheikh Ehmedê Xanî is a pioneer for us, a sign of unity."