Irmez: We will fight until Abdullah Ocalan is free 2024-02-03 12:51:13 COLEMERG - Great Freedom Marcher DEM Party Deputy Zeki Irmez stated that the isolation imposed in Imralı has spread to Turkey and said that everyone must take action against it.   The "Great Freedom March", which was launched on February 1 for the freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan and the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, continues in two branches. Marcher on the Wan branch are welcomed with great enthusiasm despite the adverse weather conditions in every city and district they visit. People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şırnak Deputy Zeki İrmez, who was in the march column, evaluated the importance of the action and how they were received in the places they visited.   Pointing out that the absolute isolation imposed on Imralı has entered its 35th month, Irmez said that this situation on the people of Kurdistan and Turkey has deepened the war and therefore, it must be broken as soon as possible. Emphasizing that many actions and activities were carried out in Kurdistan, the Middle East and Europe against the isolation, İrmez said: “Mr. Ocalan must be free in order to solve the Kurdish issue in a democratic way and to open the door to peace and democracy in Turkey. Because we saw that whenever a dialogue was established with Mr. Ocalan and a solution process was initiated, the people breathed a sigh of relief. We have seen that an environment of peace, democracy and freedom can truly be established."   ‘POLICY OF DENIAL AND WAR’    Expressing that the AKP-MHP government put into effect the absolute isolation system in İmralı to liquidate the Kurds and their politics, Irmez said: “There is a liquidation concept that has been implemented for years. It has been seen that the Kurds cannot be liquidated in any way by oppression, violence or the war. We cannot enter this century with war, destruction and denial. There has been a hunger strike in prisons for more than two months. Mothers for Peace shout for peace and democracy and hold a Justice Watch to prevent deaths. We are carrying out the 'Great Freedom March' that we have been carrying out since February 1 to break this absolute isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Ocalan." Expressing that they are welcomed with enthusiasm everywhere, Irmez said: “We are having meetings from house to house. There is serious enthusiasm. This will continue until February 15. Every citizen we talk to speaks about peace and democracy. People state that the Kurdish issue cannot be solved with the war, oppression and violence. We say enough is enough. We say that everyone needs to take action in some way.”   ISOLATION SPREAD TO TURKEY   Irmez continued: “the Kurds say, ‘The addressee of the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue is Mr. Ocalan.’ If this solution is to be realized, it can only be realized with Mr. Ocalan. There is no need to look for different people and different interlocutors. This is one of the most important points made by the Kurds. The isolation imposed on Mr. Ocalan has now spread to Turkey. The entire Turkey people is under isolation. If there is no justice, law, democracy left, if freedoms and the economy have truly hit the bottom, this is a situation related to isolation."    'UNTIL FREEDOM ACHIEVED...'   Expressing that Turkey will attain democracy with the solution of the Kurdish issue and that they will continue the struggle until Ocalan's physical freedom is achieved, Irmez said: "If the Kurdish political movement and the Kurds are organized right now, if they are truly shouting for peace and democracy, if they are in the areas to break the isolation. This means the conspiracy has been foiled. If the people of the world are discussing Mr. Ocalan's paradigm and thesis today, and if it is argued that this is the most suitable paradigm for young people, women, workers, everyone, this is an indication that the conspiracy has been foiled. We say that the most suitable thing for all humanity is peace, democracy, freedom and human rights."   MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel