Father of the prisoner whose release postponed: This is cruelty 2024-02-01 10:36:40   AMED - Nesir Ege, the father of Fırat Ege, whose release is postponed on the grounds of "lack of good behavior", said: "Nowhere in the world is the law violated as much as in Turkey. What was done is cruelty.”   Fırat Ege was detained during house raids in 2007 in Sinda Merzası, Şex Hemze rural neighborhood of Amed's Pasur (Kulp) district. Then Ege was arrested by the Diyarbakır 2nd High Criminal Court on the charge of "aiding and abetting a terrorist organization". Ege, who was released after 4 months of captivity, was arrested again in 2019 and taken to Silivri Prison No. 7, after his sentence of 5 years and 4 months in prison was finalized in the case he was tried for.   Ege completed his sentence on June 1, 2023. However, on May 31, Silivri Prison Administrative Observation Board (IGK) ruled that he was "not of good behavior" because he did not accept the imposition of "regret" and his release was postponed for 3 months. Later, during the ward search, the notes Ege took from the books he read were considered "terrorist organizational notes" and he was sentenced to 11 days in solitary confinement. IGK postponed Ege's release for another year, citing the solitary confinement in question.     FATHER: THIS IS OPPRESSION    Nesir Ege reacted to the postponement of his son's release. Father Ege said: “My son has completed 4 years of imprisonment. However, the prison administration imposed regret on my son. My son told the board, 'My sentence is over. Why should I regret it?’ He was not released because what he said. I do not accept this. These actions are unlawful and cruel. Nowhere in the world is the law violated as much as in Turkey. Being a Kurd in this country means being exposed to torture and lawlessness. The isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan in Imralı is spreading. The isolation in Imralı is unlawful. This isolation needs to be abolished. I have seen prisons too, we know this situation well. With the isolation imposed on him, other prisoners are also oppressed and insulted. All Kurds must join hands to end the isolation.”