Kars ready for the 'Great Freedom March' 2024-01-31 15:48:07   KARS - Speaking about the "Great Freedom March" that will start tomorrow in Kars, DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları said: "We are setting out for Ocalan's freedom and to end the isolation."   Preparations for the "Great Freedom March", which will be organized by democratic mass organizations and many institutions between February 1-15 to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is held in isolation in Imralı Type F High Security Closed Prison, will be made in Qers (Kars) and Wan. 75 human rights activists will be present in the march, which is expected to be attended by 75 human rights activists. The march, one branch of which will start from Qers and the other branch from Wan, will end in Urfa’s Amara village. The deputies who will come to the city after the mass statement to be held in Qers tomorrow at 12.00 and representatives of non-governmental organizations will visit both tradesmen and families during the day and give information about the isolation and the purpose of the march. After these visits, which will continue throughout the day, we will set out for Digor and Îdir on February 2. While the preparations for the march are being completed, in the evening The delegation is expected to come together and evaluate the final stage of the preparations.   CALL FROM HATIMOGULLARI   DEM Party Co-Chair Tülay Hatimoğulları, who will be in the Qers branch, called on all people to support the "Great Freedom March". Hatimoğulları, who came to the city for the Qers branch, was welcomed by the party members. Addressing the public at the DEM Party provincial building, Hatimoğulları reiterated that they would start a big march tomorrow for the democratic solution of the Kurdish issue and to end the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Ocalan.   'A WAY MUST OPEN’   Hatimoğulları said: "We are setting out to solve the Kurdish issue through democratic methods, for Mr. Ocalan's freedom and to end the isolation. We will start this great march tomorrow from two points. The main purpose of our march includes the hunger strike started in prisons and support for the Justice Watch that our mothers started outside. We have suffered a lot because of the Kurdish Issue is not solved. We will continue to do our best in the parliament, in the cities and on the streets for a peaceful democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. We call out once again, I hope a way will be opened before the hunger strikes turn into a painful situation. This is why we are organizing this freedom march. We call on all our people to support and solidarity."