Imprisoned journalist Müftüoğlu is on hunger strike 2024-01-28 21:03:26   ANKARA - DFG's imprisoned co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu, who announced that she went on hunger strike, said: "As a journalist whose professional activities are criminalized and imprisoned, I raise my voice against the silence."   The hunger strike started by political prisoners in prisons, demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, who is held in absolute isolation in Imralı Type F High Security Closed Prison, and the solution to the Kurdish issue, is on its 63rd day.   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) Co-chair and Mezopotamya Agency (MA) editor Dicle Müftüoğlu, who is held in Sincan Women's Closed Prison, also announced that she went on hunger strike. Müftüoğlu, who announced that she started a strike through her lawyers, stated that she would continue her action until February 5.   'I CALL EVERYONE TO RAISE THEIR VOICE'   Müftüoğlu's message is as follows: “We live in a reality in Turkey where everyone who thinks, speaks and writes the truth is imprisoned. In fact, we know that what is imprisoned and isolated is the truth. The hunger strike launched in prisons against the isolation continues. The isolation and disregard imposed on freedom of expression, truth, democracy and freedoms derives from the policy pursued in Imralı Prison. In order for all this darkness to dissipate, isolation must be broken. As a journalist whose professional activities have been criminalized and imprisoned, and who has personally experienced the consequences of lawlessness, I raise my voice against the silence created. I call on everyone to raise their voices so that the truth does not remain in the dark.”