Bakırhan: We need to win two people against every illegal voter 2024-01-28 12:47:02   ANKARA - DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan, reacting to the silence of the opposition regarding the transported soldiers and police officers, said: "We need to win two people against each illegal voter. We have a strong will to thwart these tricks against these deceivers and liars."   Provincial co-chairs of the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) gathered at the party's headquarters. DEM Party Co-Chair Tuncer Bakırhan made statements before the meeting where local elections will be discussed. Stating that there is a state of uncertainty and disorder due to wars around the world, Tuncer said: “Proxy wars are continued with the spark of hegemonic powers in many parts of the world, especially in the Middle East. There are no wars in the geography where the profit earner lives. Wars mostly occur in regions where workers and the oppressed live. The people who make the profit and the people who lost their lives in the war are not the same, we are all watching together. Therefore, it seems that the struggle to own these energy fields and to transport this energy safely to their own countries will continue in the coming period. One of the places where these wars, these conflicts, these proxy wars are intensely experienced is the Middle East geography, where we have lived.”   ‘PIECES' SENT BY TURKEY TO ISRAEL   Drawing attention to Israel's attacks on Gaza, Bakırhan said: "A genocide is being carried out against the Palestinian people in Gaza. A serious occupation policy continues. As I just mentioned, this must not be considered independent of grabbing space and safely moving the energy lines to the west. Now they have created a new area of war and conflict. There are now warships in the Red Sea. Obviously, it will continue to be a serious area of war and conflict in the new period. They are trying to generate profit through blood. Through blood and war. They are trying to keep their own rule and survival alive. There is no dialogue, no peace, there is no situation of evaluating the issues through negotiation.”   Bakırhan said that Turkey has put forward "a stance that triggers and supports war policies and is not independent of the hegemonic powers", and reminded the "pieces" that Turkey sent to Israel. Bakırhan said: "Last time, Turkish Statistical Institute (TUIK) said something very important. TUIK actually admitted a reality that we expressed and all left socialists expressed. They said, Turkey did not send weapons to Israel, only parts of it. In the past, there were Yeşilçam films; They said in those movies, 'I don't kill people, but I commit murder.’ Now, they didn't send the right gun, they sent the parts. They just left the assembly to the Israelis. And they are proud of it.”   Bakırhan emphasized that they believe that all issues in the Middle East can be solved through dialogue and negotiation.   ‘AKSENER MUST BE TRIED'   Drawing attention to IYI Party Chair Meral Akşener's statement regarding the unsolved murders in the 1990s as "they were committed bravely", Bakırhan said that Akşener, who made the said statement, must be tried. Bakırhan said: "We have said that killing, disappearing, and unsolved murders are cowardly, and we are repeating it. Iranian scholar and thinker Hafizi Shiraz said in one of his books that 'oppressors cannot achieve their goals'. We also agree with this. Especially Iran, which brings the Kurds to the death row every day. We also believe that the oppressors who are pro-war in the Middle East, who carry out conflict, unsolved murders, killings and arrests, especially in the Kurdish issue, will never achieve their goals.”   'MINIMUM WAGE IS BELOW THE HUNGER LIMIT’   Pointing to the trend in the economy, Bakırhan said: "They announced the minimum wage that they boasted about it for days. They put 17 thousand 2 liras, and 2 liras more, but within a month the hunger limit became 17 thousand 440 liras. In other words, within a month, the minimum wage they boasted about is now below the hunger limit. You can appreciate what it will be like in eleven months. Think about it, the poverty line in Turkey has increased to 48 thousand 500 liras. 48 thousand liras is the poverty line. I really wonder how people will maintain their families with 17 thousand liras. You see young people committing suicide every day, and members of families with children committing suicide every day. The main reason for suicide is this poverty, this economic deadlock, this economic chaos we live in. We have become a society of insanity again. We are all experiencing a process of madness every day, where people are killed for the simplest and most ordinary reasons, including massacres, fights, and domestic issues."   PRIMARY ELECTIONS   Referring to the DEM Party's referendum, Bakırhan continued as follows: "We recently went through a primary election process. It was a new method. In other words, I would like to state that this idea, which puts centralism aside and is based on the people and enables the people to choose the administrators who will govern them where they live, is very valuabl. Yes, at the end of the day, there may have been inadequacies and deficiencies in some places, but it is also very valuable to apply such a democratic method for the first time, which has not been tried anywhere in the world. I am sure that if there are deficiencies and mistakes that have emerged, we will make an effort to prevent them from recurring in the coming period.   While we are trying such democratic methods, they are still trying to usurp our will with games and tricks. There are only 2 months left until the election. I am sure that our people living in the region, Amed, Batman, Siirt, Wan, Kars, all Kurdistan and the western provinces are excited to send away these trustees. Now the government has seen this too. They are trying to move the military, police, gendarmerie, wherever there is law enforcement, especially to Kurdistan, to the cities where we will win.   THE OPPOSITION DID NOT OBJECT   Even though we said it everywhere, especially those who said they were doing politics in Turkey did not raise their voice against it, did not object to it, and did not include it on their agenda. We are faced with an opposition that is insensitive to what is happening in the Kurdistan region. But rest assured, we will definitely not give up on this issue, this tyrannical approach, this fraudulent approach. We have a strong will against these deceivers and liars to thwart these tricks. We have encountered hundreds, thousands of games like this. We are sure that we will defeat this one as well, just as this will of steel has defeated all of these. We made various explanations for this. We stated that we would file a criminal complaint against all prosecutors, judges and election boards who rejected our objections, including the voters who were shifted to Kurdistan.   WE WILL WIN TWO MORE PEOPLE   Yes, they are carrying illegal voters and trying to usurp our will. We need to win two people for every illegal voter they bring. If we leave it alone, the results are obvious. There is a voter turnout higher than the rate of votes we won. I ask you, how do we beat this? Very easy. We will convince, we will win. We will explain our understanding of democratic local government. We will try to explain our democratic methods, which are an example to the world. We will explain their irregularities and corruption. We will try to explain that they adopt war policies and do not understand dialogue, negotiation, peace and difference.   WE SUPPORT THE MARCH   Many of our institutions will hold a march between 1-15 February to demand freedom for Mr. Ocalan and the end of his isolation. As DEM Party, we also support this march. Isolation does not solve the issues, it deepens them. What has brought the Turkish economy to this state is the isolation of the Kurdish issue, which remains unresolved. If this country really wants to represent peace in the Middle East and take its own democratic values instead of a military base, it needs to abolish the isolation and return to the solution of the Kurdish issue through dialogue and negotiation. We will not take part in any equation that does not include Kurds, Alevis, women, workers and young people. Their style of politics is lying, but ours is dialogue, negotiation and Turkey reconciliation. To expand this ground and achieve it successfully is to create a democratic Turkey where students from this country do not go hungry, do not leave their schools, people do not commit suicide due to poverty, and we will live humanely together in unity from this insane society."