Sixty three ill prisoners in Çukurova refuse treatment due to ill-treatment 2024-01-28 11:57:00 MERSIN - IHD Mersin Branch President Gazi Inci said that at least 63 ill prisoners in the prisons in the Çukurova Region gave up their right to treatment due to ill-treatment. According to the data of the Human Rights Association (IHD) Mersin Branch, At least 63 ill prisoners in Ereğli High Security Prison, Ereğli Type T Closed Prison, Aksaray Type T Closed Prison, Tarsus Women's Closed Prison, Tarsus Type T No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 in the Çukurova Region and Kayseri Bünyan Type T No. 1 and No. 2, Bünyan Women's Closed Prison, Osmaniye Type T Prisons No. 1 and No. 2 prisons cannot access health care due to the mistreatment they were subjected to by both the prison administrations and the doctors in the hospitals to which they were transferred.   'REASONS FOR OBSTACLES IN ACCESSING TREATMENT?'   Lawyer Gazi Inci, President of IHD Mersin Branch and member of the Prisons Commission of the Association of Lawyers for Freedom (OHD), drew attention to the rights violations suffered by ill prisoners in regional prisons. Stating that they have been working on both prisoners and executions in regional prisons for the last 5 years, Inci noted that there are at least 63 ill prisoners in prisons that they identified as a result of their studies and applications to their associations. Emphasizing that prisoners have been experiencing serious difficulties in recent years due to the difficult prison conditions, Inci said that the main reason for this situation is due to the approaches of prison administrators, the bad treatment of the guards and gendarmerie during transfer, and the attitudes of the doctors at the hospital.   ‘ILL PRISONERS ARE AVOIDING TREATMENT'   Inci listed the ill-treatment suffered by ill prisoners as follows: “In this regard, the conditions of the regional prisons are very bad, making it unbearable for the prisoners. Secondly, there are difficulties that ill prisoners experience during the treatment phase. There are problems with the treatment they receive both in the prison infirmary and during transfers to hospitals close to the area. There is the fact that prisoners' rights to treatment are taken away from them during these transfers. There are many complaints about the very bad treatment of doctors, especially of prisoners transferred from Tarsus Prison. We have made applications regarding this issue, but the problems continue. There are problems such as some doctors accepting handcuffed examinations and humiliating prisoners during some dialogues and trying to treat them without caring. Prisoners do not want to go to treatment unless they have serious illnesses recently. This was also reflected in our reports. In other words, when their illness reaches its final stage and they are helpless, they go to the hospital. It reflects to us the degrading behavior they receive in prison and hospital, and the disturbing behavior of the gendarmerie in the ring vehicles. For this reason, prisoners refuse to go to hospital and receive treatment. Because the ill-treatment of prisoners is more painful than the discomfort they experience. That's why they avoid treatment.”   RELEASES ARE PREVENTED   Reminding that approximately 10 seriously ill prisoners must have been released as soon as possible, but the releases were prevented based on Forensic Medicine Institute’s (ATK) reports that "they may stay in prison", Inci stated that one of the biggest problems in prisons is the Prison Administration and Observation Boards. Stating that the release of prisoners who have completed their sentences is prevented by the "illegal" decisions made by these boards, Inci emphasized that these boards make decisions that are incompatible with legal principles.   CALL FOR SENSITIVITY   Stating that both legal systems, health systems and society must be mobilized against the unlawfulness in prisons, Inci said, “In a place like Turkey, where thoughts and freedom are subjected to so much pressure, everyone is actually a candidate for prison. Therefore, the whole country is must be interested in these programs applied to prisoners. Public opinion will be very important for the progress of these developments.”   THERE ARE ONE THOUSAND 517 SICK PRISONERS   While the problem of ill prisoners turning into gangrene in prisons continues, the biggest obstacle to releases is the ATK. According to IHD data, there are still  one thousand 517 sick prisoners in prisons, 651 of whom are seriously ill. Prison administrations, which have increased anti-democratic practices due to the hunger strikes launched by prisoners demanding end to the absolute isolation conditions imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Ocalan, are preventing prisoners' right to access health.   MA / Ergin Çağlar