KNK member Dr. Qadir: National unity is needed to preserve gains 2024-01-11 12:33:42   NEWS CENTER – KNK member Dr. Şêrko Mihemed Qadir criticized KDP and YNK for remaining silent against the attacks of Turkey, which is not a secret against any kind of Kurd status, against Federated Kurdistan. Qadir, pointing to Kirkuk and Mosul, said: "National unity, solidarity and common strategy are needed to protect the gains of the Kurds."   Turkey's attacks against the Federated Kurdistan Region continue, using the PKK forces in Medya Defense Zones as an excuse. The military bases built by Turkey in the region have reached occupation level. According to the data of the organization called Community Peacemaker Teams (CPT) operating in Iraq, 11 civilians lost their lives and 13 people were injured in Turkey's attacks on the region throughout 2023.   Continuing its attacks in the first days of the new year, Turkey hit the villages in the Silêmanîyê and Belekayeti regions with armed unmanned aerial vehicles (UCVA).   Dr. Şêrko Mihemed Qadir, a member of the Kurdistan National Congress (KNK) who served as the 4th term parliamentarian of the Federated Kurdistan Parliament evaluated Turkey's attacks on the region.   ‘TURKEY IS BREAKING THE LAWS'   Turkey continues their attacks by entering the airspace of Federated Kurdistan and Iraq with UCAVs, Şêrko Mihemed Qadir stated that the laws of both Iraq and the Federated Kurdistan Region were clearly violated. Underlining that Turkey, which carries out attacks especially on Sulaymaniyah, Duhok and Hewler, also targets civilians, Mihemed Qadir noted that by targeting civilians, Turkey also violates the United Nations (UN) laws.   Qadir also emphasized that neither Iraq nor the Federated Kurdistan Region authorities reacted despite Turkey's violation of their sovereignty. Qadir: “KDP and Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (YNK) parties, which govern the Federated Kurdistan Region and have military power, do not show a clear reaction. Not only did these parties not react, but according to Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan's admissions, they make Turkey's job easier with the attacks they carry out."   'IT IS NOT A SECRET THAT THEY ARE AGAINST THE KURD STATUS'   Stating that Turkey's policies are the source of many issues, instability and unrest in Iraq and the Middle East, the KNK member said: “Turkey continues its relations with both the Turkmens and those who are in the line of treason in Federated Kurdistan. This situation was revealed in Hakan Fidan's visits to Hewlêr and KDP's support for the Turkmen party in the elections. They support the Turkmens to prevent the administration in Kirkuk from falling into the hands of the Kurds. It is no secret that Turkey is against any kind of Kurd status. They are against all the legitimate rights of the Kurds and, in fact, against the existence of the Kurds."    'UNITY MUST BE ACHIEVED'   Referring to the situation in Kirkuk and Mosul based on the results of the Provincial General Assembly elections, Qadir said: “Especially Kirkuk and Mosul are disputed regions according to Article 140 of the Iraqi Constitution. In fact, all of these areas belong to the Kurds. Unfortunately, due to the complex situation in Iraq, these areas have been turned into conflict zones. Undoubtedly, in this case, Arab countries support the Arabs and Turkey supports the Turkmens. They want to destroy the gains of the Kurds. For this, all Kurd parties, especially the two powers of the region, PDK and YNK, must put aside their differences and agree on a common program. Basically, Kurds must have participated in the elections with a single list, but it did not happen. They can also unite after the elections to protect the Kurds' gains in these regions. The only way to protect the Kurds' gains in Kirkuk, Mosul and other regions is to agree that all of these regions are Kurd regions."   'WE NEED A COMMON STRATEGY'   Calling for unity against Turkey's attacks on the Kurdistan region, Qadir said: "The Kurds in four parts of Kurdistan, especially the political forces, the Kurdish freedom movement and the Kurd parties, need to take a stand against Turkey's attacks. A national and civil strategy needs to be put forward against these attacks. Because our enemy is clear. Turkey and Iran, especially Turkey, attack the Kurds without distinguishing between North, South, East and West. We need to support each other. No Kurd political party must associate with the state and their neighbors occupying another part of Kurdistan. It must not be a party to the invaders' plans for another part of Kurdistan. We need national unity, solidarity and common strategy."