It is known that the journalist, who has not been reached for 78 days, is in the hands of Parastin 2024-01-10 12:32:44   NEWS CENTER – There has been no news from Rojnews editor Süleyman Ahmet, who was detained by KDP forces, for 78 days. It is known that Ahmet, who is denied being detained, is being held in unofficial detention centers of the intelligence agency Parastin.   In Turkey, where 57 journalists celebrated January 10, Working Journalists' Day, in prisons, the ruling AKP administration uses every means to stifle the opposition press, while a similar policy is implemented in the Federated Kurdistan Region by the KDP.   One of the most recent and concrete examples of intolerance and pressure against dissident journalists in the region is what happened to Süleyman Ahmet, the Arabic service editor of Rojnews News Agency.   Although Süleyman Ahmet was detained by the public order forces affiliated with the KDP, his fate has not been known for 78 days. While Ahmet was returning to Southern Kurdistan from the city of Aleppo, where he went to visit his family, on October 25, he was detained by forces affiliated with the KDP at the Pêşxabûr (Sêmalka) Border Gate.   PERMISSION IS OBTAINED DAYS IN ADVANCE FOR PASSAGES   Crossings from the Pêşxabûr (Sêmalka) Border Gate to the Federated Kurdistan Region are subject to a strict bureaucratic process. Transition processes start with official applications days in advance. Those who want to move to Federated Kurdistan must first apply to the relevant institutions of the Northern and Eastern Syrian administration. After the applications are received, they are forwarded to the relevant authorities of Federated Kurdistan. After the applications are reviewed, the answer is given whether the person in question can transfer or not. However, those whose applications are answered positively can go to the border gate and cross. This process can sometimes take weeks. In other words, the KDP administration absolutely does not allow the passage of people it deems dangerous to itself.   ACCUSED OF CONDUCTING INTELLIGENCE ACTIVITIES   Süleyman Ahmet was detained at the border gate, where he came with the permission he received after such an application process. Upon receiving information that Ahmet was taken to the city of Duhok, his lawyers applied to the Duhok Public Order Office. Even though it was unofficially accepted that Ahmet was in their hands, he was not allowed to meet with his lawyers.   Duhok Public Order, which had to make a statement 6 days later after the reactions, claimed that Ahmet was not in their hands, even though they accused him of "carrying out intelligence activities".   IT HAS BEEN OFFICIALLY ACCEPTED THAT HE IS IN CUSTODY   Thereupon, the lawyers came together under the name of "Süleyman Ahmet Defense Group" and applied to all official institutions. Duhok Judgeship, one of the institutions to which the application was made, decided that their lawyers could meet with Ahmet. This decision was actually an official acceptance that Süleyman Ahmet was held in custody.   However, the lawyers who went to the Duhok Public Order Office with the decision in hand were not only not allowed to meet with Ahmet, but also faced attacks and threats that amounted to physical violence.   IT WAS LEARNED THAT HE IS IN THE HANDS OF PARASTIN   In Federated Kurdistan, the detention period can reach up to 28 days. Even though this period has expired, no statement has been made by official institutions regarding Ahmet. Continuing their investigation with difficulty, the lawyers learned that journalist Ahmet was being held in one of the unofficial detention centers of Parastin, the intelligence agency of the KDP.   Parastin's unofficial detention centers, which are closely affiliated with the National Intelligence Agency (MIT), have a frightening reputation. It is known that those taken here were subjected to severe torture that lasted for months.   KDP ADMINISTRATION IS SILENT   No statement has been received about Ahmet from the KDP administration, to which professional journalism organizations and non-governmental organizations have called.   Just as the KDP administration continues its silence, Rudaw and other media outlets under the control of the government are also taking an approach of ignoring the detained journalist and refraining from reporting on this issue.