Trial of 3 journalists: Police officers who committed violence were suspended 2024-01-09 16:17:43   ANKARA - At the first hearing of the case filed against journalists Deniz Nazlım, Sibel Yükler and Yıldız Tar, it was stated that the police officers who intervened in the statement in the case were suspended during the Ayhan Bora Kaplan investigation.    In Ankara, the first hearing of the case of journalists Sibel Yükler, Deniz Nazlım and Yıldız Tar, who were detained while trying to protest the arrest of their colleagues and were sued for "Opposition to the Law on Meetings and Demonstrations", was held in Ankara 71st Criminal Court of First Instance. Journalists were present at the hearing that held in. Journalist Hüseyin Aykol and DİSK Basın-İş Chair Turgut Dedeoğlu also attended the hearing.   JOURNALISTS WERE VIOLENCED   Stating that they were beaten by the police and were subjected to behavior bordering on harassment Yıldız Tar said: "We were blocked by the police without any warning. Sometimes there are 7 press releases a day in Ulus Square, and as a journalist, I follow all of them” Noting that the police used violence against journalists while calling them terrorists, Sibel Yükler also said: “The police dragged the journalists to the pavement. The police claimed that we were occupying the pavement. But the one who occupied the pavement were the police”   NAZLIM: COPS WERE TAKEN INTO CUSTODY   Journalist Deniz Nazlım reminded that similar statements were made in different cities on the same day and said: "I went there to say my word about the detained journalists. While we wanted to go there, law enforcement officers suddenly blocked us. The police said 'no one can make a statement about terrorists'. When we reacted to this, they wanted to take us away. While Sibel and Yıldız were being detained by police violence, I wanted to record this. Meanwhile, they prevented me by beating me. They started dragging me towards the road. But then they detained me with violence and insults, with rear- handcuffs on the grounds that I was blocking the road. I said I was exercising my constitutional right. When I told them, they said: 'The constitution has no meaning.' Those police officers were the police chiefs exposed in the Ayhan Bora Kaplan investigation.” Nazlım stated that they filed a complaint against the police officers in the situation.   LAWYER OK RESPONSED TO THE ALLEGATIONS   MLSA Co-Director and journalists' lawyer Veysel Ok pointed out that Ulus Square is one of the areas designated by the Ankara Governorship for press statements. Ok said: “The claim that the action is illegal is intended to cover up the police's own crimes. Again, it was called 'so-called protest'. For example, they said 'to defend the members of the terrorist organization'. Who are they? They are imprisoned journalists, who are also my clients. They were released two months later and will be acquitted at the end of the trial. The police made this assessment without any court decision.” Ok demanded that the 23 police officers who signed the minutes be heard in court.   MLSA lawyer Muhammet Ünsal presented the medical reports the journalists received after they were beaten to the court. Ünsal said: “From the details in the report, it is clear that there is almost no place left uninjured. Law enforcement forces have committed a crime. These are also available through reports”   KALELİ: IT IS FORGERY IN DOCUMENTS    Lawyer Gulan Çağın Kaleli Koçer touched upon the reports prepared by the police. Koçer said: "There is only one correct word in the police report; it is said 'Journalists detained in planned operations'. It is true, 18 journalists were detained and arrested in that process. Our clients are the targets of these 'planned operations' and those who fulfill their right to make news here. I was in the field on the day the statement was made. All of my clients were taken into custody under torture, right before our eyes. They were not reminded of their rights in any way. The report prepared by the police in a fictional reflex is a forgery of documents”