The association's activities were shown as 'terrorist organization activities' 2024-01-08 12:02:38 İZMİR - In the indictment prepared against the imprisoned Co-chair of the Avesta Language and Cultural Research Association, Ali Yalçınkaya, the acitivities of the assocation were shown as "terrorist organization activities".   The indictments prepared by the court against Nilay Güleser, Co-chair of the Aegean Association for Assistance with Families of Detainees and Convicts (EGE-TUHAYDER) and Ali Yalçınkaya, Co-chair of Avesta Language and Culture Research Association (Avesta), who were arrested on December 1 after being detained on November 28, 2023 in Izmir, accepted.   EGE-TUHAYDER Co-chair Nilay Güleser, Avesta Co-chair Ali Yalçınkaya, Derya Kandemir, Neriman Birlikte, Dilaver Keklik were detained during the raids on their homes on November 28, within the scope of an investigation initiated by the Izmir Chief Public Prosecutor's Office.   On November 29, former EGE-TUHAYDER manager Ramazan Yavuz was detained. Among the 6 people who appeared in court on December 1, EGE-TUHAYDER Co-chair Nilay Güleser, Avesta Co-chair Ali Yalçınkaya and Neriman Birlikte, and Ramazan Yavuz were arrested. Dilaver Keklik and Derya Kandemir were released on condition of judicial control.   'MAMOSTE' CASE   The indictment prepared against Yalçınkaya was accepted by the Izmir 18th High Criminal Court. The 48-page indictment prepared against Yalçınkaya for "membership in a terrorist organization" included open and secret witness statements and the language studies he carried out. In a large part of the file, Yalçınkaya's phone calls with trainees within the scope of the association's work were considered a crime. Yalçınkaya, whose phone was tapped for 6 months, was treated as a code name when he was called as "mamoste (Teacher)" in his phone conversations with trainees within the scope of the association's activities.   KURDISH COURSE ACCUSATION SUBJECT   Again, the Kurdish courses given by Yalçınkaya were included in the indictment as "conducting activities on behalf of the terrorist organization", "recruiting members for the terrorist organization" and "propaganda for the terrorist organization". Yalçınkaya's interview with the title "They are struggling for the use of Kurdish in life" regarding the courses held every three months by Avesta was also considered a crime. On the other hand, Yalçınkaya was also accused of participating in the actions carried out by the Human Rights Association (İHD) Izmir Branch for ill prisoners, funeral ceremonies, and the actions and activities of non-governmental organizations.   PHONE CALLS ARE ALSO IN THE INDICTMENT   The indictment prepared against EGE-TUHAYDER Co-chair Nilay Güleser was accepted at the Izmir 13th High Criminal Court. The 52-page indictment prepared against Güleser on the allegation of "membership in a terrorist organization" included open and secret witness statements, as well as the association activities she carried out and the actions and activities of the women's organizations she participated in. The majority of the indictment included 34 phone calls that Güleser made with prisoners' relatives and association managers within the scope of the association's work.   IT IS A CRIME TO CELEBRATE FESTIVAL WITH A PRISONER'S RELATIVE!   Güleser's greeting of prisoners released from prisons within the scope of the association's activities, sharing these greetings on her virtual media account, and meeting with their families were also included in the crime. Güleser's indictment included the content of the phone call she had with a prisoner's relative identified as "Male X". It was noteworthy that the content of the meeting, which was considered a crime, included questions about holiday celebrations and whether a prison visit would be held.   - Part of Güleser's phone conversation with her prisoner relative is as follows:   - Nilay Güleser: Hello, hello. What are you doing, how are you?   - Male X: Thank you very much, happy Eid.   - Nilay Güleser: Thank you, happy Eid to you too.   - X man: There is a meeting tomorrow. Will you go or won't you go?   - Nilay Güleser: I can't go tomorrow. I went last week.   8 MARCH EVENTS   Additionally, Güleser's participation in the women's meeting of Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinen Azad -TJA) in Êlih (Batman), the actions and events held on March 8, International Women's Day, and her participation in actions and events against the health problems and oppression experienced by the prisoners were also added to the indictment.   The first hearing of the case against Yalçınkaya will be held on January 18, and the first hearing of the case against Güleser will be held on March 19.