A first from Ma Music: Kurdish rhythm and method book 2024-01-06 11:15:42 AMED - Ma Music prepared Kurdish rhythm and method books as a result of the studies carried out. Stating that they broke new ground, Instructor Nudem Tekin said: "Providing education in our mother tongue is a great battle against assimilation." Ma Music published two books named “Hînkera zerb û rîtmên Kurdi” (Zerb and Kurdish rhythm) and “Metoda kemane” (Violin method). While the book "Zerb and Kurdish rhythm" contains instructive information about the Zerb, a Rojhilat instrument, and Kurdish rhythms, the book titled "Violin method" includes technical information on how to hold and play the piano and violin. The book also contains notes of approximately 140 Kurdish songs. The book was written by Pejman Ahmedzade, Tewfiq Faqihzade and Brusk Zangahen, with the support of Ma Music instructors. The books, which took their place on the shelves of Ma Music's branches in Amed, were also offered for sale on the internet.   HOW WAS THE DECISION TO WRITE THE BOOKS MADE?   Stating that Ma Music provides education in Kurdish but does not have Kurdish method books, Ma Music instructor Nudem Tekin said: “Our main goal is to show things in Kurdish language. For example, why is there no method in Kurdish? We wanted to translate this into Kurdish and convey it to our students in Kurdish. We started the books by saying, 'We already provide training in Kurdish, why are our methods not in Kurdish?'"   Instructor Nudem Tekin   THEY MADE A FIRST FOR THE KURDISH LANGUAGE   Stating that the book is a first for Kurdish music education, Tekin evaluated the formation process and importance of the work. Stating that two books were prepared after approximately two years of work. Stating that Sergio Escalera, who contributed to the writing of the book for piano, lives in Bolivia and Brusk Zangahen, who is originally from Rojhilat, currently lives in Stockholm, made the writing phase of the book. Tekin said: "They could get involved from time to time. They tried to write with remote support. Although it was not very difficult for us, we experienced such difficulties. As a result, the books were produced with a great effort and the support of the instructors here, even from a distance,"    NEVER HEARD KURDISH SONGS   Stating that the books are at the first level for those who want to study violin, piano, zerg and Kurdish rhythm, Tekin noted that there are studies for advanced levels. Tekin stated that they are planning to write books for other instruments besides violin, zerg and piano, and that there is also a book work consisting of Kurdish songs that have never been heard.   Stating that research studies on Kurdish songs that have never been heard before are continuing, Tekin said: “We want to make children hear the songs that our mothers and fathers sang when they were little. We want to raise children with Kurdish songs that have never been heard before. We grew up like this, we want to publish a book of these songs so that future children can grow up like this too."   'PROVIDING EDUCATION IN OUR NATIONAL LANGUAGE IS WAR'   Drawing attention to the increasing attacks on the Kurdish language, Tekin said that the Kurds were exposed to assimilation policies. Tekin said: “Despite these, we react greatly by providing education in our own native language. Providing education in our own native language is a huge war against them."    MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel