Kobanê Case: 'Did the UN Secretary General also receive instructions from the KCK?' 2024-01-05 21:47:54   ANKARA – In the Kobanê Case, the prosecution demanded the continued detention of all prisoner politicians. At the hearing, prisoner politician Alp Altınörs, who said that HDP's call on crime was similar to the calls made by the UN and other international organizations and powers at that time, asked: "Are you going to argue that the UN Secretary General also received instructions from the KCK?"   An indictment was filed against 108 politicians, 18 of whom were imprisoned, including the former Co-Chairs of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and members of the Central Executive Board (MYK), citing the protest actions that happened on 6-8 October 2014 against ISIS's attacks on Kobanê. The Kobanê Case hearing continued with a monthly detention review.   Prisoner politicians Alp Altınörs and Bülent Parmaksız were present in the hall and politicians including Selahattin Demirtaş and Sebahat Tuncel were attended via the Audio and Video Information System (SEGBİS). The hearing was followed by HDP Co-Chair Cahit Kırkazak and lawyers who are members of the Lawyers Association for Freedom (ÖHD). The court board determined that the video taken during Demirtaş's defense and shared on virtual media was shot in Sincan, and therefore decided to keep a report on the incident.   THE PROSECUTION REQUESTED THE CONTINUATION OF DETENTION   The court, which conducts a monthly detention review, gave its word to the prosecution. The prosecution requested the continued detention of the imprisoned politicians and a criminal complaint regarding the video taken of Demirtaş.   ALTINÖRS: THE CASE COLLAPSED IN EVERY ASPECT   Speaking against the demands of the prosecution, imprisoned politician Alp Altınörs stated that the opinion given by the prosecution did not surprise them and asked: "What is your insistence on continuing the detention?" Altınörs said: “I say every time that we will be acquitted one hundred percent. In this case, no decision other than acquittal can be made. Despite this, you are being tried in pre-trial detention. This is called extrajudicial execution. In a case that has collapsed in every aspect, you insistently decide to continue detention. Even though you have decided that the crime allegation may change, you are still detained."   MGK SUBMITTED THEIR STATEMENT TO THE COURT   Continuing his statements, Altınörs pointed to the National Security Council (MGK) meeting held on October 30, 2014 and stated that the MGK evaluated the events of October 6-8 as a "parallel state" provocation. Altınörs, who presented the MGK's press release to the court, stated that other international organizations and powers, including the United Nations (UN), made a call similar to the call they made regarding Kobanê at that time, and said that this call could not be turned into a crime. Altınörs said: “Are you going to argue that the UN Secretary General also received instructions from the KCK? Historical facts cannot be covered up with false witnesses. The UN says that ISIS commits genocide wherever they enter. He says he will commit genocide in Kobanê, too. His call for urgent action also reveals this. What did he say in this statement? Everyone who has the means should take action. The opportunity we had was to make a statement on virtual media. So we tweeted and called. We have been in prison for four years because of this tweet."   'OUR CALL IS THE SAME AS THE UN'   Altınörs underlined that they made a call against possible genocide in their statements and that their call was made on the same day as the UN call and their content was the same, and said: “We are not people who will deny what we have done. Because we did something right, we did something legitimate, and we stand behind it until the end. I am accused of purely political acts, such as my attendance at the Central Executive Board meeting. You insistently hold on despite the fact that there is not a single threat or sign against the indivisible integrity of the country. From where? Stop this trial that puts political pressure on us."   'THE OTTOMAN COLLAPSE, THE REPUBLIC IS AT THE SAME STAGE'   Pointing to the collapse process of the Ottoman Empire, Parmaksız stated that the Republic is currently at the same stage. Fingerless said: “Is the USA opening airspace for these assassinations to take place? The same USA provides arms and financial support to the Kurds in both Northern Iraq and Northern Syria. Why does the same USA do two different things? My other question is, why was the rally regarding Palestine held on the Galata Bridge?”    Stating that the USA has always kept the Kurds weak by allowing assassinations and that this situation is similar to the removal of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan from Syria, Parmaksız said: “Turkey is heading towards collapse. The USA, which escalates both sides, will be the winner at the end of the day."   PARMAKSIZ WAS INTERRUPTED   While he was continuing his defence, the presiding judge interrupted the hearing again and wanted to take a break from the hearing. Fingerless reacted to this situation and continued his words. The presiding judge, who ordered the microphone to be turned off while Fingerless was speaking, defended the blocking by saying "I promised enough", despite the objections of the lawyers.   Speaking about the discussions, Selahattin Demirtaş shared that some members of parliament came to visit Edirne Prison where he was located and that he could not attend the afternoon part of the hearing because he would meet with them and said: "I demand the freedom of all my friends."   The presiding judge adjourned the hearing for lunch.