No news from Gülistan Doku for 4 years: The perpetrators are known and protected 2024-01-04 17:43:25 AMED- There has been no news from Gülistan Doku for 4 years. Lawyer Ali Çimen said: "The investigation has not been conducted impartially since the first day. The perpetrators are clear in the file, and those who protect the perpetrators are clear." There has been no news from Gülistan Doku, a second-year student at Munzur University Vocational School Child Development Department, since January 5, 2020. The fate of Doku, who was last seen arguing with her stepfather Zaynal Abarakov, a police officer. Although it was claimed that Doku “committed suicide" immediately after her disappearance, the report prepared by the National Criminal Bureau in August 2020 refuted the suicide claim. The report noted that there was no activity in the water under the Dinar Bridge, where Doku was last seen, indicating the possibility of suicide. Although the developments since January 5 showed Zaynal Abarakov, whom Doku last met, and his father, Engin Yücer, who is a police officer, as suspects, no effective investigation was carried out against either of them. THE LAST PERSON SHE MEETED ABARAKOV AND HIS FAMILY Doku, who started working at Hanımeli Patisserie in Dersim (Tunceli) on January 4, 2020, left the patisserie after receiving a call at 20:00 from the phone registered in the name of Zaynal Abarakov's father. A report was made to the police about Doku, who was found to have gone to Abarakov's house, stating that "a woman was forced into the vehicle". However, this report was not recorded and not reported to the prosecutor's office after Abarakov's father, a police officer, went to the scene. On January 5, the police were informed after Doku did not return to the Girls' Dormitory where she was staying. In the examination of the Historical Traffic Search (HTS) signal records of Doku and Abarakov, it was determined that Doku had a conversation with a phone registered to the police officer Engin Yücer on the day of her disappearance. It was determined that the number was used by Abarakov. On February 27, Abarakov's phone was seized upon the instruction of the prosecutor's office. ALL EVIDENCE POINTED TO ABARAKOV After all the evidence pointed to Abarakov, the suspect was called to testify. However, it turned out that his statement was not taken even though there was a decision to bring him by force. NO ACTION WAS TAKEN AGAINST THE SUSPECTS Although an arrest warrant was issued for Engin Yücer for sharing Doku's personal information on virtual media, it is not known whether any action has been taken against him. On March 17, 2022, Abarakov was detained and released under judicial control after his statement, but it was revealed that he did not sign. Finally, it was revealed that the car belonging to Abarakov's father Engin Yücer, who was dismissed from the police force, and in which Doku was forced to get into, was taken out of the province on the day the investigation was launched in 2021. With this information, the possibility that Zaynal Abarakov and his father, Engin Yücer, who was a police officer, kidnapped Doku with this vehicle or took her out of the city after killing her became stronger. On the 4th anniversary of Doku's disappearance, Ali Çimen, the lawyer of the file, made evaluations. 'EVIDENCE IS NOT EVALUATED' Pointing out that the evidence in the file has not been evaluated in the 3 years since the investigation was launched, Lawyer Çimen said: “People are being convicted and sentenced for much less than the evidence found in the Gülistan file. But this evidence in the Gülistan Doku file is not evaluated. In its simplest form, there was an examination to be carried out on the suspects' materials, their mobile phones, but the examination has still not been completed. There are clear provisions in the Criminal Court Law (CMK) that require these materials to be given to the aggrieved party, but we could not even receive that. Even though we requested it dozens of times, we haven't even received an image of a mobile phone. In this sense, an effective investigation is not being carried out in our file. The perpetrators are known and protected. There is already evidence in the file that the perpetrators were protected.” IMPUNITY AND REWARD INVESTIGATIONS! Çimen said that if the perpetrator in the region is the law enforcement agency, the policies of impunity come into play and said: “The investigation should have been carried out by independent and impartial people. But these demands were not accepted. The suspect's police father, who was also a suspect, was assigned to Alanya. Going to Alanya is difficult for civil servants. He was sent to a place to be torpedoed. As at least one of the perpetrators in the tissue file was a public official, no effective investigation was carried out in our file." ACTIVE INVESTIGATION REQUEST Çimen continued: “Human rights organizations and women's institutions contributed a lot to our file. The file could not be closed due to the ownership and pressure of women's institutions. Otherwise, the file would be closed at the first stage. Who was the last person at the police station? Our prime suspect. What is the relationship between the prime suspect and Gulistan? Ex-boyfriend. With all this and other data in the file, these prime suspects had to be arrested directly. This should have been done at the early stage of the investigation, but there is still reluctance. We expect an effective investigation, this is our demand." MA / Eylem Akdağ