Digest report prepared for 9 MPs 2024-01-04 16:46:52 ANKARA - The digests prepared to abolish the legislative immunity of 9 MPs from the DEM Party, CHP and TİP were submitted to the Speaker of the Parliament.   The digests prepared to abolish the legislative immunity of 9 MPs from the People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party), Republican People's Party (CHP) and Turkey Workers' Party (TİP) were presented to the Parliament. 9 digests prepared, 4 from DEM Party, 4 from CHP and 1 from TİP, were referred to the Joint Commission consisting of Constitution and Justice Commission Members by the Presidency of the Parliament.   NAMES OF THE MPS   The names of the MPs about whom the report was prepared are as follows: "DEM Party Mardin Deputy Salihe Aydeniz, DEM Party İzmir Deputy Burcugül Çubuk, DEM Party Ağrı Deputy Sırrı Sakık, DEM Party Istanbul Deputy Keziban Konukcu Kok, TİP Istanbul Deputy Saliha Sera Kadıgil, CHP Şanlıurfa Deputy Mahmut Tanal, CHP Izmir Deputy Gökçe Gökçen, CHP Adana Deputy Ayhan Barut and CHP Gaziantep Deputy Melih Meriç.”