DFG report: 280 journalists are on trial, 57 journalists are imprisoned 2024-01-04 15:45:11 AMED- In DFG's 2023 report, it was stated that 280 journalists were tried and 57 journalists, including the association's co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu, were imprisoned.   Dicle Fırat Journalists Association (DFG) announced their 2023 Report on Rights Violations Against Journalists on the 4th anniversary of their establishment. The statement made in the association building was read in Kurdish by Hakkı Boltan, and in Turkish by DFG Co-chair Serdar Altan. The report included the rights violations in 2023 and pointed out the importance of struggle and solidarity.   120 JOURNALISTS MURDERED IN 2023   Altan said: “According to the statement made by the International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) on December 31, 120 journalists and media workers, including 11 women, were killed in 2023. The Federation noted that 68 percent of these journalists and media workers were killed in Gaza. As a result of the war in Gaza, 75 Palestinian, 4 Israeli and 3 Lebanese journalists were killed. Three journalists were murdered in Syria. There has been no news from Rojnews editor Silêman Ehmed for 72 days, who was detained by the KDP public order on October 25."    '25 JOURNALISTS LOST THEIR LIVES IN THE EARTHQUAKE'   Underlining that the attitude of violence and oppression against journalists did not be abandoned in 2023, as in every year in Turkey, Altan said: “Even in times of a major crisis such as an earthquake, our colleagues who were following the earthquake in the field were repeatedly prevented by law enforcement forces. Investigations were opened against lots of journalists due to their earthquake-related news. Accurate and pragmatic journalism, which society needs in times of crisis, was blocked by the government, and people's right to receive news was ignored in this way. On this occasion, we once again commemorate our 25 press workers who lost their lives due to the precautions that not taken during the February earthquakes last year."    THE FIRSTS   Pointing out that lots of journalists were subjected to investigations, detentions, and unfair and unlawful arrests during the year, Altan said: “16 Kurdish journalists who were detained and arrested within the scope of the Diyarbakır-based investigation on June 8, 2022, were held in prison for 13 months. 9 Kurdish journalists who were detained and arrested as part of the Ankara-based investigation dated October 25, 2022 and released at the first hearing were also subjected to similar persecution. Likewise, journalists who were detained within the scope of two separate investigations on April 25 and April 29, 2023, were held in prison for months. Our co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu, who is among these journalists, is still being held unlawfully in prison. Along with all these examples, Turkey broke new ground in arresting journalists in 2023. Fırat Can Arslan, who was among the 5 journalists detained on charges of 'targeting people who took part in the fight against terrorism', became the first journalist to be arrested under TMK 6/1 dated 1991. Again, the Gerçek Gündem editor Furkan Karabay was arrested in the last days of the year on charges of 'targeting a person who took part in the fight against terrorism' and 'slander'.   'CENSURE LAW IS IN ACTION'   Emphasizing that it was witnessed that the disinformation law No. 7418, one of the most controversial laws of 2022 and known as the "censorship law", was used for purposes other than its intended purpose, Altan stated that the first journalist arrested due to this law was Sinan Aygül. Reminding that journalist Tolga Şardan, editor Dinçer Gökçe and reporter Cengiz Erdinç were detained and journalist Şardan was arrested on the grounds of the same law, Altan said: "In the first year of the law's entry into force, at least 26 journalists were detained, arrested and tried. A total of 29 cases were recorded. When we look at all these events, we see that journalists will spend most of their time in the courthouse in 2023. In one year, 280 journalists were in the courthouse at least 821 times."   THE OBSTACLES   Stating that journalists were prevented from following news and attacked lots of times in 2023, Altan said: "Journalist Sinan Aygül, who worked in Bitlis' Tatvan district and wrote about allegations of irregularities in the municipality, was attacked by the police officer and municipal employee who was guarding Tatvan Mayor Emin Geylani. As we stated in the data, many websites were closed during the year and access to thousands of news and virtual media content was blocked."   'FREEDOM FOR JOURNALISTS'   Stating that journalists resisted the attacks they faced in 2023, despite all the obstacles, from censorship to the prevention of news tracking, from arrests to pressures on the press and media organs, Altan said: "Honourable journalists, especially free press workers, stand by the truth in the face of these attacks, with their pens and cameras. As we enter the new year, I hope that 2024 will be a year in which all journalists, especially our association's Co-chair Dicle Müftüoğlu, are free and profess in a safe environment."   57 JOURNALISTS IN PRISON AS OF JANUARY 4   The following data were included in the details of the report prepared by DFG regarding the rights violations in 2023: “36 journalists were attacked, 43 journalists' houses were raided, 119 journalists were detained, 36 journalists were arrested. During the year, 64 journalists were subjected to ill-treatment, 38 journalists were subjected to threats and spying, and 110 journalists were prevented from following the news. 37 journalists were subjected to violations in prison.”   Again, the following data was shared within the scope of violations of freedom of thought and expression against journalists: An investigation was opened against 75 journalists. While 66 journalists were sued, 44 journalists were sentenced. In total, journalists were sentenced to 48 years, 9 months and 14 days in prison and a fine of 147 thousand 486 TL. While the trial of 280 journalists continues, journalists appeared before the judge 821 times. The number of detained journalists (as of January 4, 2024) is 57, journalists who were dismissed are 58, RTÜK imposed 84 penalties on 68 publications, and a publication ban was imposed on 112 news. While 83 websites were closed, access to 7 thousand 106 news and 3 thousand 761 social media contents were blocked."