Deniz Poyraz was commemorated at her grave on her birthday 2024-01-02 17:00:40   IZMIR - Deniz Poyraz, who was murdered in the armed attack against the HDP Izmir Provincial Organization in 2021, was commemorated at her grave on her birthday.   Deniz Poyraz (38), who was murdered by Onur Gencer, who carried out an armed attack on the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Provincial Organization in Izmir on June 17, 2021, was not forgotten on her birthday. People's Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Izmir Women's Council, Free Woman Movement (Tevgera Jinen Azad-TJA) activists and The Mothers for Peace (Barış Anneleri) organized a commemoration event at Poyraz's grave in Buca Resources on her 41st birthday.   Members of the Poyraz Family also attended the commemoration.   MOTHER: HER SOUL LIVES   Flowers were placed on Deniz Poyraz's grave and a moment of silence was observed. Speaking afterwards, Mother Fehime Poyraz said that Deniz is not only her own daughter, but also the daughter of all the Kurds and everyone who protects her. Poyraz said: “Deniz was brutally murdered, but her soul lives on everywhere. If she hadn't been a martyr, we would have celebrated her birthday together."    OUR STRUGGLE WILL CONTINUE   DEM Party Izmir Provincial Cochair Zehra Vezan Karabulut stated that they were extremely sad to be at the graveside of Deniz on her birthday. Karabulut said, “Deniz was a 38-year-old young woman when she was murdered. It has been 3 years since Deniz was brutally murdered, but our pain is still fresh. Our struggle will continue until we try all murderers in real courts, not in biased courts."   Following the speeches, slogans such as "Jin jîyan azadî" and "Martyr namirin" were chanted.