Prisoner on hunger strike: No one can make the Kurds forgotten Mr. Öcalan 2023-12-27 14:33:06 WAN - Bager Sayak, who participated in the hunger strike in Sincan No. 1 High Security Prison, said in the message he sent through his family: “Deepened isolation caused deepened war. No one can make the Kurdish people forget about Mr. Öcalan through isolation and games.". The hunger strike launched in prisons in Turkey and Kurdistan, demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held in isolation in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison and has not been heard from for 34 months, continues on its 31st day. Bager Sayak, who participated in the hunger strike in Ankara Sincan No. 1 High Security Prison, sent a message to the public through his family.   'NO ONE CAN MAKE MR. ÖCALAN FORGOTTEN'   Sayak stated the following in his message: “Our hunger strike struggle, which we started in Sincan No. 1 High Security Prison continues with great resistance. We have been taking part in the hunger strike since November 27. Now we have taken over the hunger strike together with Cahit Yılboğa, Ferhat Musa and Mehmet Akyüz. Deepened isolation led to deepened war. We want this deepened isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan and other friends in İmralı to be lifted, because isolation has spread everywhere. No one can make the Kurdish people forget about Mr. Öcalan through isolation and games. The worse the isolation, the deeper the war becomes. No one should ask why this is happening or why there was a war. War is a policy of the Turkish state and the AKP-MHP government. We say it once again from here; We do not accept the isolation, we salute our friends from all walks of life who resist. As prisoners, we call on our families to join this fight."