Prisoners: Abdullah Öcalan is the guarantee of democracy 2023-12-22 14:12:53   İZMİR - Stating that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is the guarantee of peace, freedom and democracy in Turkey and the Middle East, Political prisoners in Buca Kırıklar Prison said: "Mr. Öcalan is the interlocutor in the solution of the Kurdish issue."   The rotating hunger strike action started by political prisoners on November 27, demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in isolation in İmralı Island Prison, and a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, continues. Political prisoners in Buca Kırıklar Closed Prison No. 2 sent letters through their lawyers regarding the purpose of their actions.   The letter sent by the prisoners is as follows: “First of all, we, the free prisoners, with our free hearts, salute all patriots, peace seekers, democrats and human rights defenders. As 32 political prisoners in Buca Kırıklar Prison No. 2, we participated in the 'Freedom for Mr. Öcalan, solution to the Kurdish issue' campaign with great enthusiasm and morale. We continue our hunger strike action with great determination. Friends and enemies know that Mr. Öcalan is above everything for us. The guarantee of peace, freedom and democracy in Türkiye and the Middle East is Mr. Öcalan. Everyone knows very well that Mr. Öcalan is the interlocutor in the solution of the Kurdish issue.   We are ready to take any action and any obligation for Mr. Öcalan's freedom and existence. As of now, two of our friends are continuing their hunger strike actions alternately a week. We say to state officials and our partners around the world that we see all kinds of actions and activities as legitimate until Mr. Öcalan is liberated. And we are ready to make any sacrifice. We know that the hearts of our families and people are with us and they wholeheartedly support our action. We call out to our people once again; Increase your support for us and bring Mr. Öcalan and the freedom of Kurdistan closer with various actions and events.” ​