Mother Taybet commemorated at the place where she was shot 2023-12-19 17:01:55   ŞIRNEX - Speaking at the commemoration of Taybet İnan, who was murdered during the curfew in Silopiya, DBP Co-Chair Çiğdem Kılıçgün Uçar said: “The Kurds the Turkish state denied and ignored are everywhere today. Kurds did not abandon their geography and struggle. Just like Mother Taybet." Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Co-Chair Çiğden Kılıçgün Uçar attended the commemoration of Taybet İnan (Mother Taybet), who was murdered during the curfew on December 19, 2015 in Şirnex's Silopiya (Silopi) district and whose body was held on the street for 7 days and nights. The commemoration held on the street where İnan was murdered was attended by her family, Rights Equality and Democracy Party (DEM Party) Şirnex MP Newroz Uysal Aslan, DBP Women's Council Spokesperson Berivan Bahçeci, DBP and DEM Party Şirnex provincial and district organizations and many institution representatives and citizens. Those who attended the commemoration frequently shouted slogans such as "Martyr is immortal" and "Mother Taybet is immortal". 'THE KURDISH PEOPLE WHO THE TURKISH STATE DENY ARE EVERYWHERE' Stating that Kurds were not included in the 100-year history of the Republic, Uçar stated that the Kurds' struggle for native language and identity was denied. Stating that the Kurds' struggle for equality and freedom was criminalized, Uçar said: “A plan was revealed on October 30, 2015. This plan, which is reflected to the public as 'MGK decisions' and is a 'collapse plan', is called the death plan. While the solution process was continuing and the Kurdish people had strengthened their will for peace in the face of this 100-year-old denial, the state announced that it was putting the process on the refrigerator. The Kurdish people, whom the Turkish state denied and whose language and identity it ignored, are everywhere today. Kurds did not abandon his geography, language, culture, identity and struggle just like Mother Taybet." THE FAMILIES OF THE MURDERED PEOPLE WERE VISITED After the speech, carnations were left at the place where Mother Taybet was murdered. The delegation then visited the families of 82-year-old Hasan Sanır and Yusuf İnan, who were murdered during the curfew. Later, a march was held towards the house of Kurdish politician Pakize Nayır, who was murdered in the same period. The crowd marched with applause and shouted "Martyr is immortal" slogans and came to the front of the house where Nayir's family lived. After the visit here, the delegation went to DBP Silopiya District Organization and ended the program there. ​