Justice Sit-in continues with support visits 2023-12-15 17:08:06   NEWS CENTER - The Justice Watch, which was launched in Amed, Wan, Istanbul, Adana and Mersin to demand the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, continues with support visits.    Demanding the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and a solution to the Kurdish issue, Arrested Convict Families Assistance Association (TUAY-DER) in Amed, Çukurova Prisoners and Convict Families and Assistance Association (Çukurova TUAY-DER) in Mersin, Akdeniz Detainee Association in Adana. and the Association for Assistance and Solidarity with Convict Families (AATUHAY-DER), the Association for Assistance with Prisoner and Convict Families (TUHAY-DER) in Wan, and the Justice Watch initiated by the Marmara Association for Assistance with Families of Prisoners (MATUHAYDER) in Istanbul, continues. The Justice sit-in continues in Wan(Van), Amed(Diyarbakır), İstanbul, Mersin and Adana   'OUR JUSTICE SIT-IN WILL CONTINUE'   The justice Sit-in continued with the following message: “If we are united, we will break this isolation. "Our Justice Sit-in will continue until it reaches its goal." While chants of "Bijî berxwedana zindanan(Long live the resistance of the prisoners)" were frequently chanted at the Justice Sit-in, Dengbêj(in Kurdish : singer) Meryem sang kilams(Kurdis song) during the watch.