Gross human rights violations on Human Rights Day occurs in İmralı 2023-12-10 13:18:51   ANKARA - On December 10, Human Rights Day, the most gross human rights violations occur in İmralı Prison. İHD Ankara Branch CoChair Ömer Faruk Yazıcı said: "Isolation is aimed at the solution of the Kurdish issue. When it is lifted, the country will become a more livable place."   The United Nations (UN) General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1948. Since then, every year December 10 has been celebrated as International Human Rights Day. On the day in question, serious human rights violations are taking place in Türkiye and Kurdistan. Prisons are among the primary places where these violations occur. The reports announced by other non-governmental organizations and legal organizations, especially the Human Rights Association (IHD), confirm this situation. In all of the reports in question, it is emphasized that the most gross human rights violations occurred in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, where PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was held. There has been no news from Abdullah Öcalan for more than 33 months. Hunger strike action launched in prisons to end the isolation in question and ensure the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan continue.   İHD Ankara Branch CoChair Ömer Faruk Yazıcı    'THE RISING VOICE'   Stating that isolation and torture, which he described as "a crime incompatible with human rights and dignity", had spread throughout the country, Yazmacı said: "The rotating hunger strike action, which started in 104 prisons on November 27, continues in 106 prisons. The "Freedom for Öcalan, democratic solution for the Kurds" campaign was launched to break the isolation of Mr. Öcalan in 74 centers of the world. The international area listened to the voice rising from Kurdistan. Afterwards, prisoners in Turkey and Kurdistan started a hunger strike and supported this campaign."   GROSS HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS INCREASED AFTER 2015   Stating that human rights violations increased with the deepening of the isolation in İmralı, Yazıcı said: "If you ask anyone today, 'Do you want the years of negotiations or this process?', they will prefer the years of negotiations. The isolation is also an isolation for the solution of the Kurdish issue, and when it is lifted, the country will become a more livable place. While 200-300 violations were detected in the quarterly reports in 2012, 2013 and 2014, there were 2 thousand 291 violations detected by our Ankara branch in August, September and October of this year. 2023 was a hopeful year in which the struggle and solidarity were magnified, and we must expand this voice, call and struggle in 2024.” ​