Filing a criminal complaint regarding police violence on November 25 2023-11-29 12:30:48   ŞIRNEX - Women stated that they will file a criminal complaint regarding the police violence they were subjected to during the November 25 protest in Şirnex and emphasized that they will not take a step back against pressure and attacks.   Women who went to the streets in Şirnex(Şırnak) and its districts on November 25 to protest violence against women have been subjected to police obstruction and violence for 8 years. In police attacks that occur every year, dozens of women are beaten, detained and then released. This year, the police attacked the 25 November protest and detained 21 people, including 3 journalists and 18 women.   Güler Tunç and Zilan Yaman, two of the women who were beaten and detained for taking the field against male-state violence, condemned the practice in the city and emphasized their determination to fight.   STATE VIOLENCE ON NOVEMBER 25   Free Women's Movement (Tevgera Jinên Azad-TJA) activist Güler Tunç, who was injured on her right hand in the police attack, stated that they have been meeting November 25 with bans in Botan for the last 8 years. Tunç said: “Every year, 25 November protests and events are banned by the governorship; however, women all over the world take to the streets and protest on November 25th; thus, they want to illegalize our most legitimate work and activities. This year, we were once again exposed to violence by the AKP-MHP police. We were detained under torture. Journalists' cameras and equipment were broken. Journalists were targeted to prevent state-related violence from being reported to the public."   Stating that AKP women held a 2-kilometer march in Şirnex the day before their protest, Tunç said: “This march was allowed and those who participated in the march were protected by the police. My hand, which is currently bandaged, is the work of the Turkish state. We condemn this mentality and the violence it perpetuates. This state wants to silence the voices of Kurdish women and suppress the struggle. The attacks are intolerance towards this struggle and resistance. We are blocked, subjected to violence and detained because we expose the violence they legitimize."   A CRIMINAL COMPLAINT WILL BE FILED   Underlining that they will continue their fight against all attacks, Tunç said: "The state clearly says, 'I am a state that implements special war policies, I will torture you, I will kill you, but you will not raise your voice.' We also raise our voice against this policy. We have never bowed down, we have always and will continue to be in the area. We will carry out our work more strongly. We will use all our legal rights against violence and file a criminal complaint against those police officers."   'THE STATE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PREVENT US FROM THE FIGHT'   Democratic Regions Party (DBP) Şirnex Provincial Co-Chair Zilan Yaman, one of the women exposed to police violence, also condemned the governor's bans. Stating that the governor's ban decisions were applied only to them, Yaman continued: "As every year, we were on the streets as TJA and the governorship declared a ban decision covering the whole city. Last year, when we wanted to walk, we were subjected to violence and many of our friends were detained. Obstructions and attacks will not prevent us from fighting. We are right and we will continue to raise our voice against violence. We will take legal action against the violence."   MA / Zeynep Durgut ​