Women: The Turkish state is afraid of Abdullah Öcalan's voice reaching the public 2023-11-17 15:35:48 ŞIRNEX – Stating that the government is afraid of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan's voice reaching the public, women from Silopia called for participation in the Freedom March said: "We want to get information about the situation of our leader and for his release." There has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held under severe isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Closed Prison, for 32 months. A "Freedom March" will be held from Kurdistan to Bursa's Gemlik district on November 18 with demands to end the absolute isolation of Abdullah Öcalan and ensure his physical freedom. Before the march, public meetings began to be held in many cities. "Freedom for Öcalan" messages left their mark at the meetings, which attracted great public interest.   Women who attended the public meeting held in Silopiya (Silopi) district of Şirnex(Şırnak) emphasized, "The key to solution and justice is in İmralı."   Stating that all people were isolated along with Abdullah Öcalan, Besna Ayaz (62) said: "All prisoners, especially Abdullah Öcalan, should be released."   Stating that they now want to live in a peaceful environment, Ayşe Soner (67) said: “We want to get information about Mr. Öcalan's situation and we want his release. One day there will be peace and eventually we will win. But peace cannot come until the isolation is lifted. For this reason, we must ensure Kurdish unity as soon as possible."   'THE TURKISH STATE IS AFRAID OF THE VOICE OF ÖCALAN'   Stating that it was a great injustice that PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was held alone in a room for many years and was not allowed to meet with his family and lawyers, Ayşe Tokat said: “We condemn this. Those who do not act in accordance with humanity and do not see humans as humans. We curse those who do not ensure peace, tranquility and unity. The isolation of our leader should be lifted so that there can be peace and equality. They are afraid that Mr. Öcalan's voice will reach the public because if his word reaches the people, there will be peace. Those who do not want peace do not want his voice to reach the people. Against this, the Kurdish people must achieve unity. No one should be hypocritical at this point."   'THE KEY OF THE SOLUTION IS IN IMRALI'   Drawing attention that the key to the problems in Turkey lies in İmralı, Emine Özerk (56) said: "Until the isolation of Mr. Öcalan is lifted and his family and lawyers do not meet with him, neither the Turks nor we Kurds can say 'I am in'." Because today the key to solution and justice is in İmralı. Thousands of our young people lost their lives. Today, for thousands of our children, their pillow is rock, their bed is soil, and their duvet is sky. First, we must lift the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan. This isolation is applied not only to İmralı but to all Kurdish people. If we cannot cross a street as we wish, if we cannot express our opinion, this is isolation. The key to solving these problems lies in İmralı. We must end this oppression. Özerk invited all segments of society to the march on November 18."     Drawing attention that the first demand of the Kurdish people is the physical freedom of Abdullah Öcalan, Emine Ayaz (65) said: "The Freedom March is important for this reason. Imagine a person who has been confined to four walls for 25 years and is not allowed to meet with either his family or his lawyers. Our children are put between four walls for 30 years. They can't even watch the sky. Does this have anything to do with humanity? How long will this oppression continue?" Zarife Işık (40), who stated that she wanted an environment of peace and tranquility to be created, said: “Let there be no more war. Our children are in dungeons. Let them be released too. If isolation is lifted, peace will be achieved. We all need to be united for this."