Amed Agriculture Council established 2023-10-26 13:17:50 AMED - Stating that the Amed Agriculture Council, which was established yesterday, the Chamber of Agricultural Engineers (ZMO) Amed Branch President Samed Ucaman said: "We will focus on solving the problems about agriculture." While increasing and unresolved problems in the field of agriculture affect farmers, Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerce and Industry (DTSO), Diyarbakır Commodity Exchange, Chamber of Agricultural Engineers (ZMO), Amed(Diyarbakır) Chambers of Agriculture Coordination Board, Chamber of Veterinarians, Lîce Women's Initiative Education and Business Cooperative in Amed, Bismil Cotton Producers Association, Breeding Buffalo Milk and Red Meat Producers Association and Seed Producers, including 68 non-governmental organizations, came together and established the Amed Agriculture Council. The council’s executive board consists of 9 persons. Working groups consisting of experts and commissions including farmers will be established. The aim of the council is detecting the problems of farmers and resolving them.   Samed Ucaman, who is on the executive board as ZMO Amed Branch President, stated that they will work to improve agricultural productivity.   ‘POLICIES TOWARDS AGRICULTURE ARE NOT IMPLEMENTED’   Stating that for about 20 years the farmers in the region, especially in Amed, encountered many different problems, Ucaman said: “These problems have reached such a level that farmers can no longer farm. On the one hand, there are problems of those who produce on land, and on the other hand, there are problems of those who sell seeds. In this regard, no policy has been implemented for agriculture, stagnation policies have always been implemented. Based on this, we created a community where all segments of farmers work and benefit. Studies on this issue have been going on for almost a year. And these studies were done so that we can discuss the issue together and find a solution.”   THREATENING OF AGRICULTURAL LANDS   Stating that they want to take a correct stance against threats to agricultural lands, Ucman said: "We will carry out dialogue and diplomacy activities with official institutions in the coming period. The institutions we brought together will work like a commission and produce solutions to problems in the future."   AN INNOVATIVE MANAGEMENT   Referring to the council's 9-person executive board, Ucaman said: "Everyone will work as a part of this management. Among the commission members, there will sometimes be pharmaceutical companies, sometimes seed sellers, sometimes cooperative representatives; thus, they will face their problems together with a constantly innovative management."   ‘WE WILL WORK FOR DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE’   Stating that they are faced with many implementations regarding the exploitation of agricultural lands for profit, Ucaman said: "We aim to fight against these implementations institutionally. We should also focus on the irrigation problem. There are many problems, but no solution was produced by the government, a deadlock was reached. We will apply our methods accordingly. As the commission, we will work to both develop agriculture and contribute to the city's economy.