Proposal from HEDEP to "establish a Ministry of Women" 2023-10-23 16:26:20   ANKARA - HEDEP submitted a bill to the Parliament for the establishment of the Ministry of Women.   People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) Group Deputy Chairperson Meral Danış Beştaş submitted a bill to the Presidency of the Parliament to establish the Ministry of Women. In the justification of the bill, it was emphasized that women are subjected to discrimination in every field and that the gender issue is a democracy issue.   The proposal states, "Although gender inequality has not been completely eliminated in developed countries where democracy is strong, significant progress has been made in establishing gender equality, with the awareness that a real democracy cannot be achieved without gender equality; therefore, gender equality and democracy are directly linked to each other, strengthening each other and being independent of each other. These are two concepts that cannot be mentioned without the other. Although gender discrimination against women is seen in many societies, the type and degree of discrimination is different, and this difference is directly linked to the development of democracy. Today, in developed countries, gender discrimination is caused by the obstacles women face in employment and promotion in working life, and the obstacles they face in working life, even though they do the same job as men. While it becomes evident in issues such as low wages, in underdeveloped or developing countries, it manifests itself as experiencing much more fundamental and serious problems in addition to these problems."   MASSACRES OF WOMEN   The proposal stated that 180 women were murdered in the first 9 months of 2018. In the proposal, 280 in 2016; 300 in 2017; It was stated that more than 180 women were murdered by men in just the first 9 months of 2018. It was emphasized that this situation is a clear indication that even the most basic human right of women, the right to life, is not protected.   LEGAL PROVISIONS   In the proposal, "regulating the establishment and working principles of the Board on the Status of Women, which is established under the Ministry of Women; combating gender stereotypes and developing gender equality policy; combating effectively all types of discrimination that women face in the social field; legalization in this direction carrying out studies on the development of regulations and binding rules; effectively combating homophobia and transphobia-based discrimination, violence and hate crimes suffered by LGBTI people; increasing awareness of gender equality at every stage of education, starting from pre-school education; encouraging the creation of equal status between women and men, providing women with public creating employment opportunities in the field with social security and equal pay for equal work, supporting women's entrepreneurship, creating alternative economic models for women such as women's cooperatives, providing free nursery services as part of the policy of increasing women's employment; To implement gender equality as a basic state policy and to constantly interact and cooperate with local governments and women's institutions in this regard; Establishing special Women's Work Support/Advice Centers for women in inner and outer districts and leading the creation of women-friendly cities" were included.   MINISTRY OF WOMEN SERVICE UNITS   In the proposal, the service units are listed as follows:   * General Directorate on the Status of Women   * General Directorate on the Status of LGBTIs   * Gender Responsive Budgeting Department   * Department of Effective Combat against All Kinds of Sexual, Physical and Psychological Violence Against Women   * Women's Employment Supervision and Development Department   * General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Relations   * Communication, Documentation and Publication Department   * Strategy Development Department   * Legal Consultancy   * Department of Human Resources and Support Services.