Demand for physical freedom of Öcalan left its mark on the congress 2023-10-15 16:23:55   ANKARA - Demand for physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan came to the fore in the speeches made, slogans shouted and banners opened at the congress of the Green Left Party, which will continue its path under the name HEDEP.   The Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), which held its 4th Grand Congress in Ankara, will continue its path under the name of People's Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP). The congress, where the statute was changed along with the name, was marked by the demand to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan. Thousands also drew attention to İmralı Island for the democratic solution to the Kurdish issue, which is the main agenda of the congress.   'NO ISOLATION, PEACE IS RIGHT NOW'   Thousands of people filling the congress hall drew attention to the fact that there has been no news from PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is held in severe isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison, for 31 months. Congress participants opened a banner saying "No isolation, peace right now" and gave the message of ending the Imrali isolation system and the war policies that are a result of it.   DEMAND FOR FREEDOM FOR ABDULLAH ÖCALAN   Young people, who attracted attention with their intense participation in the congress where the poster of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan was unveiled, shouted their demand for freedom for Abdullah Öcalan with the slogans "Bijî Serok Apo(Long live Abdullah Öcalan)" and "Bê Serok jiyan nabe(There is no life without leader(Öcalan))" throughout the congress.   HEDEP CO-CHAIRS DREW ATTENTION TO IMRALI FOR THE SOLUTION   Speaking on behalf of the Council Board at the opening of the congress, Meral Danış Beştaş's greeting of the İmralı resistance was met with long applause and slogans in the hall. The main message of HEDEP Co-Chairs Tülay Hatimoğulları and Tuncer Bakırhan was to ensure the physical freedom of PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan and emphasized a democratic solution to the Kurdish issue. The speeches of the Co-Chairperson candidates, who drew attention to the PKK Leader for ending the wars and solving multiple crises in the Middle East, where the Third World War deepened, were frequently interrupted with the slogans "Bijî Serok Apo".