Message from imprisoned politicians to the congress: No war and isolation 2023-10-15 12:19:02   ANKARA - Imprisoned politicians sent a message to the Green Left Party congress and said: "We say 'no' to the wars, occupation, exploitation and isolation imposed on our people."   Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) is holding its 4th Ordinary Grand Congress at Ankara Atatürk Sports Hall. The congress, which was held with the motto "For Freedom/Ji bo Azadiyê" and was attended by thousands of people, read the messages sent by the imprisoned politicians. The imprisoned prisoners, who said "no" to the concept of war deepening from Northern and Eastern Syria to Palestine, saluted the resistance of the people and gave the message "We have the power to change."   'THE CONSPIRACISTS WILL BE DEFEATED'   Figen Yüksekdağ, former Co-Chairperson of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), who is detained in Kandıra Type F High Security Prison, greeted the congress and said: "Hello our dear people, women, youth, comrades! We respectfully greet the congress council, my party friends, all delegates and participants, and our esteemed guests. It is the continuity of struggle that renews us. It means not surrendering to the situation. Those who carry out heavy attacks on our democratic, libertarian women's line, and those who try to weaken us with a thousand conspiracies and tricks, will once again be defeated in the face of our renewal energy. We will always be with you as political hostages and revolutionary prisoners in prison. We will defend the struggle for existence of oppressed peoples from Palestine to Rojava, the struggle of workers for bread, women's struggle for life, and the cause of freedom and justice for all of us, under all circumstances. We hope that our congress will carry power to the great humanity, the people of Turkey Kurdistan, and those who demand rights and freedom, and we greet you with respect, love and longing."   Former HDP Amed MP Semra Güzel, in her message sent from Kandıra Prison where she is arrested, said: “Our struggle for democracy and rights, which we have been waging for years, continues inside and outside. Even though today we are trying to be imprisoned within four walls as the will of our people, our hearts are in the squares and in these congress halls with you today. I wish success to all my comrades and our people with the energy and motivation of the new era. Congratulations to all of us and to all democracy and freedom lovers who have hope and faith in our party."   WOMEN: WE WILL FIGHT AGAINST VIOLENCE   Sebahat Tuncel, Ayla Akat Ata, Zeynep Karaman and Free Women's Movement (TJA) Spokesperson Ayşe Gökhan, who are arrested in Sincan Women's Closed Prison, sent a message on behalf of the detained women tried within the scope of the Kobanê Case. In the message greeting the congress: "We salute our people, women, comrades, congress delegation and friends who participated in our congress in solidarity, who resisted for a bright future by breaking the darkness, with the enthusiasm and resistance of our freedom struggle. As those who set out to develop an honorable peace in Kurdistan, Turkey and the Middle East; We say 'no' to the wars, occupation, exploitation and isolation imposed on our people, and we would like to underline once again that we are in solidarity with the oppressed peoples. We have the power to change and the determination to fight against economic crisis, unemployment, poverty, injustice and relentless state violence. Greetings to those who walk this difficult and honorable path. We wish success to our co-chairs and party council members who will be elected at our congress, and we express our gratitude to all our comrades who have contributed to our struggle so far. We salute the congress with the resistance we received from the freedom struggle of women from Kurdistan and Turkey, as well as women from all over the world. "Jin jiyan Azadi" was said.   Former HDP Co-chairperson Selahattin Demirtaş, who is arrested in Edirne Type F High Security Prison, and Amed Metropolitan Municipality Co-Mayor Selçuk Mızraklı, who was replaced by a trustee, sent the following message: “Hoping that our congress will be successful, we wish all participants, delegates, friends and our people who could not come to the congress with heartfelt longing. We greet you and hope to see you tomorrow."   'WE WILL OVERCOME WITH RESISTANCE'   The following statements were included in the message sent by former HDP Central Executive Board (MYK) members Alp Altınörs, Günay Kubilay, İsmail Şengül, Nazmi Gür, Ali Ürküt and Bülent Parmaksız, who are arrested in Sincan Type F High Security Prison within the scope of the Kobanê Case: “We salute the Congress with the revolutionary enthusiasm of our comrades who showed magnificent resistance against oppression and fascism. The women who raised their struggle in the streets against oppression, and the workers who fought for their lives with the sweat of their brows against all kinds of oppression and exploitation policies. The people, from Palestine to Rojava, who demonstrated one of the greatest resistances in human history against cruel governments and colonialism, have become the hope of the oppressed all over the world today. We have full faith that we will overcome the difficult road ahead with resistance, hope and courage. We wish success to our co-chairs and party council members who will be elected at our congress, and we express our gratitude to all our comrades who have contributed to our struggle so far."