Çiftyürek: Democracy is not possible without Kurds 2023-10-13 12:28:16   AMED - Describing the attacks against Northern and Eastern Syria as "intolerance towards the Kurds", Green Left Party MP Sinan Çiftyürek emphasized that the Kurds should be united against the attacks.   Comprehensive attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria  started on October 4 , targeted by Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan after the action against the Ministry of Internal Affairs on October 1, continue. 47 people, including 2 children, lost their lives in the air attacks that targeted hospitals, mosques, electricity, water and wheat refineries.   Green and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Wan(Van) MP Sinan Çiftyürek underlined the need to ensure Kurdish unity against the attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria.   'INTOLERANCE FOR KURDISH STATUS'   Stating that before the action against the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Turkey had attacks on the Federated Kurdistan Region and Northern and Eastern Syria, Çiftyürek said: "The infrastructure of the region was targeted in the latest attacks. The attacks are intolerance towards the status of the Kurds. In recent history, the Middle East has again turned into a war corridor. In particular, Türkiye and Iran say, 'These places should be stable.' They say 'Iraq and Syria must be stable' for the stability of the Middle East corridors. This means; They want to abolish the Federated Kurdistan government and the Rojava Autonomous Administration. Even if we cannot handle this status, they say let's weaken it."   'PEOPLE ARE DYING, THE WORLD IS WATCHING'   Stating that the Kurds fought against ISIS from the city of Silemaniyê in the Federated Kurdistan Region to Northern and Eastern Syria, Çiftyürek continued: "They defeated ISIS for the Middle East and the world. If ISIS had not been defeated today, there would be no peace in the Middle East, Europe and the world today. Against these attacks, the international coalition and international forces should take a stand and side with the Kurds. Kurds in four parts of Kurdistan and the Diaspora should strengthen their actions by taking to the streets against these attacks. Our people are being killed every day. The world is watching.”   Stating that the United Nations should take action against attacks on Northern and Eastern Syria, Çifyürek said: "This status is not only for the Kurds, but for the entire Middle East."   'DEMOCRACY IS NOT POSSIBLE WITHOUT KURDS'   Çiftyürek asked: "Why is Kobanê, where thousands of Kurdish youth lost their lives, being bombed today? If international powers do not support this struggle, it is because of their own interests. War has been going on in the Middle East for a century. The Southwest Asian table is weakening, it may end. The Middle East war may continue with Hamas. If international powers want peace and democracy in the Middle East, this is not possible without Kurds. If they say we treat peoples and religions equally, they should support the Kurds. If they want organizations like ISIS to not emerge in the Middle East and if they want peace and democracy to exist, support for the Kurds is inevitable."   Underlining that the gains of the Kurds must be protected, Çiftyürek called: "We should see what is happening in each part as our own internal matter and protect the 4 parts in line with these interests."   MA / Müjdat Can