Daughter of seriously ill prisoner: My father has been died a death 2023-10-10 11:05:18   İZMİR - Ayşe Tanhan, daughter of Cemal Tanhan, who has been detained for 29 years and has serious health problems, said: "Even though he is on his deathbed, he is not released."   The health problems of 68-year-old seriously ill prisoner Cemal Tanhan, who is in Bolu  Type F Closed Prison and has 8 months left until his release, are getting worse. Tanhan, who was detained and arrested in the Çimentepe District of İzmir's Konak district in 1994 and was subjected to severe torture, was sentenced to life imprisonment on the charge of "disrupting the unity and integrity of the State" at the State Security Court (DGM), where he was tried. Tanhan, who spent some time in Izmir Buca, Nazilli, Giresun and Buca prisons, has been held in Bolu Type F Closed Prison for 17 years.   TANHAN HAS BEEN HELD FOR 29 YEARS   Tanhan, who has many health problems due to the torture he suffered in custody, sometimes loses consciousness and sometimes cannot even realize where he is. During his 29-year prison period, Tanhan had many health problems such as blistering in the lungs, high cholesterol, inflammation from the knees down, diabetes, blood pressure, and hearing loss.   ATK: TANHAN MAY STAY IN PRISON   Tanhan, who lived in a wheelchair due to stiff legs and inflammation, was referred to the Istanbul Forensic Medicine Institute (ATK) on February 2, 2023, as his health problems worsened. As a result of the examinations, the ATK report given for Tanhan on April 5 stated: "Hypertension disease, heart failure, mitral valve insufficiency, herniated disc, hearing loss and cataract diseases. Effective treatment must be provided by referral to the cardiology department of a full-fledged training and research hospital or university hospital." ATK, which gave this report, also expressed the opinion that Tanhan could remain in prison.   İHD WILL REQUEST TANHAN'S RELEASE   Human Rights Association (IHD) Ankara Branch will apply to the Bolu Type F Closed Prison Prosecutor's Office for the release of Tanhan, whose health condition has worsened.   'MY FATHER HAS BEEN DIED A DEATH'   His daughter Ayşe Tanhan, who went to the meeting on October 2, said that her father's condition was very bad and that his release was not carried out even though he had many health problems. Tanhan said: “My father cannot sit straight in the wheelchair. He lost his speech function. There are many health problems such as kidney, liver, heart and sugar. My father cannot meet his needs on his own right now. If he continues like this, he will die in prison."   Drawing attention that there are thousands of prisoners like his father in prisons, Tanhan said: “My father has been in prison for 29 years and he has 8 months left. Even though he is on his deathbed, he is not left. Let them either release my father or give him to us and we will provide his treatment. My father said he waited four months even for an analysis. If he waits this long even for an analysis, it means he has been died a death, they say let him die." Tanhan requested his father's release and called for public awareness.   MA / Delal Akyüz