Psychological pressure to prisoners from a psychologist 2023-09-29 13:14:10   ADANA - ÖHD members ,who visited Aksaray Type T Closed Prison said that the prison psychologist asked the prisoners: "Do you find the fight against the terrorist organization successful?",  stating that the prisoners were asked such questions and releases were prevented.   Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD) Mersin Branch Prison Commission members, lawyers Özgür Çağlar and Fırat Baykara, visited Aksaray Type T Closed Prison yesterday and met with the prisoners. Lawyers met with Metin Gelni, Rıdvan Er, Sait Gürkan, Ahmet Göksu and Mervan Sungur, who were detained in prison upon the application of their families, and reported the rights violations suffered by the prisoners.   RELEASE OF 3 PRISONERS WAS PREVENTED   Prisoners Temel Yeşilbaş, İbrahim Al and Sait Gürkan were asked by the Administration and Observation Board: "Are you going to do politics when you get out of prison?" Will you go to the mountains when you get out? Do you regret it? What do you think about Abdullah Öcalan? Oil has been discovered in Gabar. Is the USA helping you? What do you think about the USA? It was stated in the report that the prisoners were subjected to questions, and as a result, the release of the prisoners was prevented on the grounds that they were not of "good behavior".   PSYCHOLOGICAL PRESSURE FROM THE PRISON PSYCHOLOGIST   The rest of the report included the following: "'Our state has been fighting against a terrorist organization for 40 years, do you find this fight successful?', 'If a terrorist came from the mountains and committed an action, would you help or complain? What do you think about Eren Bülbül?' It was reported to us that he asked absurd questions such as these, and that the prisoner's attitude reflected negatively on the Prison Administration and Observation Board with the answers he received, that he put pressure on the psychologist by asking such questions instead of practicing his profession, and that he expressed an opinion preventing the prisoner's parole. It was stated to us that the prison prosecutor clearly stated to the prisoners, 'Unless you say PKK is a terrorist organization, you will not be paroled under any circumstances', and in response to the prisoners' reminder that the thoughts and opinions stated in the Constitution cannot be forced to be expressed, the prosecutor dismissed it by saying 'These are stories' and acted unlawfully.   THE RIGHT TO TREATMENT IS BEING PREVENTED   Ill prisoner Metin Gelni has heart problems, a herniated disc and sinusitis, and a plaque has formed on his brain, he has pain but his pain is relieved with medication, heart patient Sait Gürkan is in a bad condition and has heart valve insufficiency, Hasip Avşar has intestinal and stomach problems. It was reported that. The interviewed prisoners also stated that many prisoners had periodic health problems, but prison and hospital practices made healthy treatment impossible, they were taken to the infirmary every two months, and they were not transferred to the hospital for months.”