Protest against attacks of KDP 2023-09-18 16:54:46   COLEMÊRG - KDP attacks were protested in Gever. Many people were injured in the police attack.   KDP's attacks in the Federated Kurdistan Region were protested today in the Gever (Yüksekova) district of Colemêrg. Before the statement, all streets in the city center were blockaded by the police. Despite this, the crowd gathered in front of the HDP District Organization building, opened a banner saying "Em xiyanetê qebûl nakin, em ê destkeftiyên xwe biparêzin(We do not accept betrayal, we will protect our gains)" and frequently chanted the slogan "Bimre îxanet(Death to betrayal)".   POLICE ATTACK   The police stated that they would not allow the statement due to the "ban on action and activity". The crowd then marched in front of Zagros Business Center. The police attacked the crowd with gas and pressurized water. Many people were beaten and injured. Many people were detained. Green Left Party MPs started a sit-in protest on the main street. The police also attacked the MPs and wanted to take the banner.   Citizens around also condemned the police with the slogans "We will win by resisting", "Bijî serok Apo(Long live Abdullah Öcalan)" and "Bimre İxanet". Young people continued the protest in the side streets. A police officer was also injured in the incidents.   MPs and citizens later gathered at the party building. The blockade in front of the party building continues.