Economic crisis in Türkiye deepens 2023-09-15 12:36:26   WAN - Condemning the deepening economic crisis and the successive price increases, market tradesmen stated that they were unable to do business and that they would have to close their workplaces.   Multiple crises created by the AKP government continue to affect every aspect of life. Increases made every day reduce the purchasing power of the people and deepen poverty. Increases in vegetable and fruit prices in the autumn season negatively affect both producers and consumers. In the market established in Wan's Rêya Armûşê (Silk Road) district, there is no trace of the old days left due to the economic crisis. Halis Sevil, one of the market tradesmen, stated that in previous years he sold sacks of onions in one day, but recently he could not even sell the few products.   PRICES WILL INCREASE IN WINTER   Stating that she could not make sales due to the prices increasing with the price hikes, Sevil said: “The prices are too high. When prices are high, customers cannot buy products. There is money, but it has no value anymore, because nothing is bought. We are working at a loss now. After this age, no one will give me a job, so I continue to do this job out of necessity. Compared to previous years, I was buying 4 months' worth of material for 1,000 TL, but today I can only buy 1 month's worth of material for 10,000 TL. Prices will double towards winter. This crisis has affected everyone very badly. I have been a marketer for 8 years, but this is the first time I have seen such a crisis."   PUBLIC CANNOT GO SHOPPING   Tradesman Baki Ağaçkaya said that we have reached a point where the prices cannot be controlled due to the price increases and said, “We are hesitant to tell the customer the price. Like customers, we cannot buy the goods we buy at the same price the next day. Customers no longer come to shop. When there are no customers, we spend the whole day sitting. The market is collapsing day by day, we don't have a penny in our pockets, we are working to make ends meet. The economy is in a very bad situation. You cannot buy what you bought today for the same price in the morning. Before, when purchasing goods, there were installments and checks, but now it is not like that; We need to pay immediately for the goods we buy. Now prices change hourly. We know that these prices will rise much more in winter."   50 TRADESMEN CLOSED THE SHUTTERS   Stating that sales have decreased significantly compared to previous years, tradesman named Nurullah Bakan explained his situation as follows: “Due to the economic crisis, 50 of our tradesman friends had to quit their jobs. The buckle that I previously sold for 1 TL is now 25 TL. These prices also seem expensive to the customer. While last year I sold 100 buckles a day, this year I can sell a maximum of 10 a day. Purchasing power has also dropped considerably. While the number of customers we dealt with in previous years was a thousand or more, this year either a hundred customers came or not. We don't know how to continue this work. Fruit and vegetable prices will be very expensive in winter. "There are three other people working with me in my own home, but we can barely make ends meet."