Journalist Oruç was not released: Journalism is being criminalized 2023-09-14 22:17:15   BEDLÎS - Journalist Mehmet Şah Oruç, who was detained and arrested in Amed on April 25, was not released at his first hearing after 5 months of detention. Oruç said that Kurdish journalism has been criminalized. Journalist Mehmet Şah Oruç, who was detained and arrested on April 25 within the scope of the investigation carried out by the Diyarbakır Chief Public Prosecutor's Office, appeared before the judge 5 months later. The first hearing of Oruç, who is on trial for "being a member of a terrorist organisation", was held at Bitlis 2nd High Criminal Court. Journalist Oruç and his lawyer Resul Temur attended the hearing via Audio and Video System (SEGBİS) from Diyarbakır High Security Prison No. 1, where Oruç was held. Oruç's trial; Association of Lawyers for Freedom (ÖHD), Human Rights Association (İHD) Wan branches, Turkey Human Rights Foundation (TİHV) Wan Representation, Wan Bar Association, Wan-Colemêrg Medical Chamber, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Bedlîs provincial organization, his colleagues and family followed from the hall. 'KURDISH JOURNALISM IS BEING CRIMINALIZED' The hearing started with identification and Oruç's defense. Stating that he does not know the confessor Ümit Akbıyık, Oruç said: “I meet dozens of people because of my profession. He may know me, but I don't know him. Ümit Akbıyık said that I went to HDP. Yes, I went there for news. During the dates he mentioned, local and general elections, hunger strikes, and trustee appointments were the relevant processes. Statements were made there almost every day and I was there as a journalist. Not only me, but all the journalists of the city were there. The building is recorded by the police 24 hours a day, but he says I went there secretly. No, I went there openly. Journalists do not discriminate and become the voice of the society and the people whose rights have been taken away. We always write about what happens as journalists. I am a journalist who works in the field and has been making news for years. I am not someone who keeps secrets and only makes certain news. You can criticize the language and the news itself, but you cannot establish contact. Kurdish journalism is being criminalized with these indictments. Since we reported on Hakan Arslan's body being delivered to his father in a box, this situation was put in the file as an element of crime. Since we handed a microphone to the MPs, these news stories have also become the subject of accusations." JOURNALIST ORUÇ WAS NOT RELEASED After the defenses, the court took a break and decided to continue Oruç's detention in order to complete the missing documents, request SSI records, and request the files in which he was previously tried, and postponed the hearing to October 31.