Green Left Party conference final declaration 2023-09-12 15:28:26 ANKARA - In the final declaration of the Green Left Party's two-day big conference, "We are walking with faith and determination in the new era with all our central and local structures, all our components and individuals in order to weave the new life, which is our founding paradigm. It was said: "Our way is the Third Way."   The final declaration of the Grand Conference held by the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) at the Nazım Hikmet Congress Center on September 10-11 and lasted for two days was published. The declaration said: "We, and our people, will be the pioneers of the political-social change that turns its horizons to a free and equal future with the historical and strong legacy we received from our struggle experiences."   'WE MADE DECISIONS THAT WILL DIRECTLY AFFECT TURKISH POLITICS'   The final declaration of the Green Left Party grand conference is as follows: “First of all, we commemorate with respect and gratitude all our lost comrades who created great values in the formation of our ideas and struggle. We salute all our friends in prison and exile. We share the pain of the Moroccan people who lost their relatives in the earthquake that occurred during our conference, and once again we remember with respect the citizens we lost in the Maraş and Hatay earthquakes. On the way to our 4th Ordinary Grand Congress, we carried out and completed the conference process, which is an important phase of our struggle and knowledge that we have been growing by working hard for years, with very effective and deep discussions of our delegation. At our conference, we made decisions that determined the road map of our party and will directly affect Turkish politics. In addition, we have adopted all the decisions taken by the 4th Women's Conference, which will be the main force of change in the new era.   WE WILL BUILD THE THIRD WAY   We are the ones who fundamentally object to authoritarian fascistic developments; We will organize the solution politics against the two hegemonic class blocs. Our urgent task today is to get rid of the authoritarian, fascist regime and build the Democratic Republic. The most fundamental problem that needs to be solved during the construction process is the Kurdish issue. In order to solve the issue, it is necessary to take democratic and peaceful solution steps instead of the politics of denial, destruction and suppression. We are ready to address the concerns of all social segments and do our part for a democratic solution and peace, in line with the common interests of the people in Turkey. We are determined to build the Third Way, which is the politics of the solution, the politics that will ensure freedom of lifestyles and identities, and eliminate inequalities and injustice, in the strongest possible way, as an important option for the future of our people.   WE WILL LIFT THE ISOLATION AND GET FREE TOGETHER   Today, the question of the existence and equality of the Kurds in Turkey has become the litmus test of political life. It is clear that we are going through a historical breaking point on this issue. In this century, as a result of the struggle for freedom, this phenomenon has gone beyond the borders of Turkey and has become a situation that concerns the people of the whole world. We will continue to be the only address for a solution against the ruling and opposition blocs that want to escalate the classic deadlocks regarding the legitimate struggle of the Kurds for their rights, especially absolute isolation.   As the isolation deepens, all the problems in Turkey become deeper. In the coming period, a determined fight against the isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan, on the axis of the slogan of freedom for the Kurds and democracy for Turkey, was an important line that was strongly underlined in our conference. We will organize the solution to the Kurds' struggle for status and rights, everywhere and under all conditions.   WE WILL FIGHT EVERYWHERE   The Kobanê Conspiracy Case, which has been turned into a case of legal massacre, and the courtrooms where our comrades gave lessons have directly shown us the importance of strengthening both democratic politics and international struggle, as well as solidarity between peoples. The fact that this case is also a case of revenge against the social revolution in Rojava, its achievements and the new life created has once again revealed the importance of international solidarity for Rojava.