Temelli: Meeting has never been stronger in Öcalan's ideas 2023-09-11 14:16:23   ANKARA - Regarding the political lines of the upcoming period, Green Left Party MP Sezai Temelli said: “There will be a process in which the line becomes clear in the struggle. The idea of meeting Mr. Öcalan and his ideas has never been stronger."   The conference held as part of the restructuring and building process of the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) continues on its second day at the Nazım Hikmet Cultural Center. 800 delegates from Kurdistan and Turkey attended the conference, which was held with the slogan “To Rêxistin Azadî, ( Freedom with Change)”. At the conference, the suggestions that emerged in the party's previous meetings with the public will be turned into decision proposals.   Green Left Party Muş MP Sezai Temelli made evaluations about the discussions held within the scope of the conference and the new line of struggle.   'MEETING WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF ÖCALAN'S IDEAS'   Reminding that the conference process was started with the discussions carried out with all segments of the public, Temelli said: "The joint text of the studies carried out in this process was presented to the conference delegation. This process and the text were produced together. This text reveals a determined struggle against the status quo, a re-start against the restorationist understanding, and a very clear attitude towards the reformist understanding. In the text, he determines that our organizational life and our line of struggle cannot tolerate axis shifting, and that our path is the Third Way. We will expand the determined struggle in the Third Way, implement the organization in a healthy way and build the next period. The work that has been done for about 3 months and the attitude of the internal delegation are very clear on this issue. Therefore, the coming period awaits us as a process in which the lines in organizational construction and struggle become clear. There is no discussion of substance. The idea of meeting Mr. Öcalan and his ideas has never been stronger."   'ENSURING THE SOCIALIZATION OF THE PARADIGM'   Drawing attention to the importance of organizational construction suitable for restructuring, Temelli said: "The organization of neighborhood councils, district and provincial organizations, the organization of the political network from local to the center, the prioritization of the local, moving away from centralization and the construction can be carried out by creating an organizational basis with this awareness. It is important not to get lost in the politics produced by the restorationist and reformist approach, but to turn into a center that produces politics itself. Ensuring the socialization of our paradigm is another important topic. We are advocates of this paradigm, but this is not enough. We need to socialize this and include society in this process. This awaits us as an important task."   'WE HAVE TO LIFT THE ISOLATION'   Stating that the Imrali isolation was fully understood at the conference Temelli said: “Everyone has understood that this isolation is not only an isolation imposed on Mr. Öcalan, but also the most decisive issue of all the issues we talked about. Approximately 40 thousand people were interviewed and not a single person objected to this issue, the isolation continues. This is our failure. This is the subject that we need to give real self-criticism. As long as Öcalan is held captive, the solution process does not progress. There are devastating problems that its lack of development creates for the entire political sphere. We have to lift the isolation. Lifting the isolation means stopping the war, paving the way for democratization, ending this violence against women, and ending ecological destruction. Therefore, lifting the isolation means creating intellectual freedom.”   MA / Yüsra Batıhan