Release of 30-year prisoner blocked for 11 months 2023-08-03 12:16:07   BATMAN - Resul Baltacı, who has been imprisoned for 30 years, has been prevented from being released for 11 months on the grounds of disciplinary punishments lifted by court order.   Writer Resul Baltacı, who was arrested in Êlih in 1992, was sentenced to life imprisonment at the State Security Court where he was tried. Currently held in Düzce Çilimli T Type Closed Prison, Baltacı has been in prison for 30 years and 11 months. In the application made to the Constitutional Court (AYM) on 18 August 2022 regarding the case file of the lawyers of Baltacı, who was deprived of his right to be released on probation, a decision has not yet been made. Baltacı, who should have benefited from his right to be released on probation in 2022, was prevented from being released on the grounds of his previous cell sentences. Following Baltacı's objection to the abolition of his solitary sentences, Düzce 1st High Criminal Court abolished all solitary sentences with its decision dated 10 May 2022.   TMK'S OBSTACLE TO RELEASE!   After Baltacı's release was blocked, his lawyers applied to the Constitutional Court (AYM) on 18 August 2022. In the application made to the Constitutional Court, it was stated that Baltacı was not released even though he was not sentenced to a cell, and it was pointed out that the "right to personal security and freedom" was violated. While Baltacı was not released despite the fact that he had not been given a "cell sentence" for 11 months, the Constitutional Court did not decide on the application despite the elapsed time.   THE STAGE OF UNLAWFULNESS   Stating that the prevention of his father's release was the stage of unlawfulness, Baltacı's son Azad Baltacı said: "There is no place to apply, no addressee. My father was not evacuated consciously. Laws were disregarded to prevent the evacuation. He spent 30 years in many prisons. He has been held in Düzce Prison for 8 years, where unlawfulness is taking place. Shortly before my father's release, disciplinary punishments were found for trivial reasons and his evacuation was wanted to be prevented. TMK is being used as an excuse. They are trying to implement the law enacted in 2004; however, my father's sentence was approved in 1998.”   'THE STATE IS BRESKING LAWS'   Stating that the state is breaking its own laws, Baltacı said: “Their aim is to surrender their will, but they are resisting in prison. They have spent 30 years in prison, they have resisted for 30 years, they will never be able to surrender their will. They have been held hostage for 30 years, but their eyes are not satisfied. In doing so, they disregard their own laws. As he prepares to greet my father, he is constantly held hostage and not released. There is psychological violence against families."   MA / Fethi Balaman