'The lawlessness in Imrali must end' 2023-07-25 11:01:43   BATMAN - Green Left Party Êlih MP Zeynep Oduncu stated that the isolation against PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan is a “crime against humanity” and said: “This unlawfulness must end.”   There has been no news for 28 months from Ömer Hayri Konar, Hamili Yıldırım and Veysi Aktaş, who have been in the same prison as PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who has been held under heavy isolation conditions in İmralı Type F High Security Prison for 24 years. The Bursa Execution Judgeship rejected the application made by the families on July 10 to request a meeting on July 18 and informed the lawyers that there was a new "disciplinary punishment".   Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) Êlih(Batman) Zeynep Oduncu evaluated the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   'PEOPLE ARE WORRIED'   Stating that the isolation is a "crime against humanity", Oduncu said: "There is an isolation situation imposed upon Mr. Öcalan's solution proposals. The liberation of the peoples can be achieved with his suggestions. We saw this in the so-called peace process; however, the government fed with blood disrupted this process.   Stating that the cause of the crises in Turkey is not independent of the isolation, Oduncu said: “The absence of peace in Turkey means the introduction of a policy that goes with Erdoğan's war calculation. Money that should be spent on the economy is spent on war. Since they know that peace will be achieved with the end of the isolation, they continue this isolation in an aggravated manner. Öcalan is not received any news. Lawyer and family visits are not allowed. People are very concerned about Öcalan's life."   'CRIME IS COMMITTED IN IMRALI'   Stating that the law has been trampled on in Imrali, Oduncu said: "Mr. Öcalan is resisting there alone. The people are waiting for Öcalan's resistance and the rhetoric that will come out of his mouth, as on the first day. Isolation must be lifted for peace, democracy. International institutions have as much responsibility as the AKP government for the continuation of the isolation policy implemented in Imrali."   'ÖCALAN IS ON THE AGENDA OF PEOPLE'   Underlining that in the public meetings they held, the citizens expressed their demand to increase the struggle for Öcalan's freedom, Oduncu said: "The Kurdish people demand Öcalan's physical freedom. Everywhere we go, this demand is expressed. Whoever we have reached from 7 to 70 expresses this. They demand that we take action on this issue. This lawlessness must end.”