Prosecutor demanded continuation of detention of journalists 2023-07-12 16:34:16   DİYARBAKIR- In the trial in which 18 people, 15 of whom are arrested, are on trial in Amed, the prosecutor demanded the continuation of the detention of journalists.   The first hearing of the case, in which 18 people, 15 of whom are detained, are being tried in Amed, continues on its second day at the Diyarbakır 4th High Criminal Court. After the imprisoned journalists, the imprisoned journalists made a defense.   Journalist Kadri Bayram, who was on trial pending trial, described the indictment as "empty in content". Journalist Esmer Tunç, who made a defense in Kurdish, said: "I would like to thank my friends who were here for support for two days. The allegations against me include my activities as required by my profession. The content of the indictment, which consists of approximately 800 pages, covers my professional activities. Is it a crime to be a cameraman in this country? Serdar Altan also as he stated, we are not here to give an account, but to ask for an account."   Mehmet Yalçın, who was on trial without arrest, said that he had been working as a cameraman for more than 10 years. Referring to the phone conversations included in the indictment, Yalçın said:"There is nothing natural about this."   After the defense of the journalists, secret and public witnesses were heard.   THE PROSECUTOR DEMANDED THE CONTINUATION OF THE ARREST   The prosecutor gave his opinion. The prosecutor demanded the continuation of the arrest of the journalists on the grounds of "the current evidence situation, the nature of the alleged crime, and the fact that the evidence has not been collected".   The hearing continues with the defense of the lawyers regarding the opinion and the indictment.