Motion from the Green Left Party: Let the isolation be investigated 2023-07-03 16:45:20   ANKARA - Green Left Party MPs Cengiz Çiçek and Nevroz Uysal submitted a motion to the Parliament demanding an on-site investigation of the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan.   Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party) MPs Nevroz Uysal and Cengiz Çiçek submitted a research proposal to the Presidency of the Assembly regarding the isolation imposed on PKK Leader Abdullah Öcalan, who is being held in İmralı Type F High Security Prison.   'NO PROBLEM CAN BE SOLVED WITHOUT SOLVING THE KURDISH ISSUE'   It was stated in the motion that the Kurdish issue affected every field and that law and economy came at the top of it, and stated that "Therefore, no fundamental problem in Turkey, especially the problems of democracy, law and poverty, can be solved without solving the Kurdish issue".   THE ROLE OF ÖCALAN   Stating that Öcalan made an effort to solve the Kurdish issue through dialogue and negotiation, the motion said: “Öcalan has made an effort aimed at the solution of the Kurdish issue based on dialogue and democratization of Turkey. These efforts have also succeeded in getting the support of the overwhelming majority of the peoples of Turkey, and the period called "'Solution Process' has been entered. The solution process, in which the state and government on one side and Mr. Öcalan as the chief negotiator, started in 2013, but lasted until 2015."   MOTION TO INVESTIGATE ISOLATION    Uysal and Çiçek made the following statements in the continuation of their research proposal: “With this aspect, the absolute isolation of İmralı is not merely the imposition of unlawfulness on the individual, but a comprehensive siege with political, economic and legal dimensions towards the society, an attack on the will of the society and the right to peace. For this reason, isolation must be ended as soon as possible in order for the social hope for a democratic future to grow and for the development of human rights. In this context, this absolute isolation practice, which is contrary to the basic interests of the society and clearly contrary to the values and decisions of national and international law, is unacceptable. Addressing the solution of the Kurdish Question on the basis of justice, equality and freedom and paving the way for Turkey's democracy is of course the primary duty of the Parliament. From this point of view, an on-site examination of the isolation imposed on Mr. Abdullah Öcalan; We demand that a comprehensive Parliamentary Research be opened under the roof of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in order to investigate its political, cultural, economic and legal dimensions and to reveal its effects in Turkey.”