173 people kidnapped in Afrin in 6 months 2023-07-03 11:30:00   NEWS CENTER - In Afrin, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary groups, 12 people were killed in 6 months, 173 people were kidnapped, 15,500 trees were cut down.   After the attacks launched by the Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and the paramilitary groups it supports on January 20, 2018, a new one is added to the crimes against humanity committed in the Afrin Canton of Northern and Eastern Syria, which came under the control of the Salafist groups on March 18, despite all the calls and warnings. The silence of the international community continues. The people of the region are forced to migrate due to kidnapping, ransom, plunder, extortion, rape and ethnic cleansing in the city where demographic change is targeted.   According to the news of ANHA, a total of 12 people, including 4 people from the same family, were killed in the last 6 months. The 6-month data based on Afrin-Syria Human Rights Organization are as follows:   * 173 people were kidnapped in exchange for their release in exchange for ransom.   * Trees were cut and used as fuel for the houses built in the region. 15,500 trees were cut down in olive, walnut, almond, fruit and forest areas.   * More than 70 hectares of wheat and barley fields were burned.   * On December 4, 2022, “Ecnadîn Palestine” houses were built in the Cindirêsê district. Families of “Ehrar al-Sham” members were settled in nearly 40 houses built with the support of the Palestinian “Ecnad El Îslam”.   * The project called “El Keramê City” was launched in Cindirêsê district on February 12 with the support of the Qatari aid institution. Although it is stated that the project was designed to rebuild the houses damaged by the earthquake on February 6, families of paramilitary structures in the region were placed in the completed houses.   * Afrin Local Council and Development and Aid General Committee (Ensêr), which consists of structures in the region, built the village of “Qatar Village 2” in Şadêrê village of Sherewa district on May 4.   * Houses were built in Mebata district by the group called “Sultan Silêman Shah”.   * El Eyedî El Beyda Association built a house in Şadêrê village.   * Türkiye and its affiliated structures built houses on Lêlûn Mountain.   RAPE OF CHILDREN   In less than a week, the crime of rape was committed against 2 children aged 10 and 14. ​