Rape of 13-year-old child in Afrin, under Turkish control 2023-07-02 16:03:47 NEWS CENTER - A 13-year-old boy was raped in Afrin, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary structures. Şilêr Children's Rights Monitoring Committee reacted to the silence of the international public.   In Afrin, which is under the control of Turkey and its affiliated paramilitary structures, crimes against humanity continue to be committed against women and children. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) announced that members of the Turkish-affiliated group "Hemzat" raped a 13-year-old girl in the village of Ciwêq yesterday.   Şilêr Child Rights Monitoring Committee made a statement on the subject and made a call. Committee Manager Jûlya Xelo made the statement in Qamishlo Reading Park. Pointing out that the paramilitary structures in the region commit inhumane crimes such as rape, kidnapping, torture and massacre almost every day, Xelo said: "Despite all the calls and warnings, the world remained silent against this barbarism. The recent rape of a child in Afrin is not the first. These are just the reflected dimensions of the brutality, this brutality continues daily; however, these cannot be reflected because the press is not allowed to enter the region.”   Emphasizing that despite the establishment of many committees in the international arena to monitor violations against children and protect their rights, Xelo said: "Human rights organizations should break their silence and take a stand against child massacres and rapes." ​