Women prepare for the new period 2023-06-23 12:08:41 DİYARBAKIR- Emphasizing the importance of women's struggle in the new period, women said that they will expand their organization and stand in the fields against attacks. Kurdish women politicians and representatives of women's institutions, who came together in Amed as part of the restructuring process of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) and the Greens and Left Future Party (Green Left Party), conducted extensive discussions on the new era. In addition to the evaluations made on the election results, women emphasized the necessity of expanding the women's struggle in the new period and underlined the importance of women's organization and representation in the restructuring process.   'WE WILL STRENGTHEN THE ORGANIZATION'   Green Left Party Amed(Diyarbakır) Provincial Director Serra Bucak, one of the women who attended the meeting, said: There was an exchange of ideas on how to make the women's freedom struggle, women's resistance, working in women's fields, violations of women's rights, murders, violence, women's policies visible both in the social and political sense. We believe that we will come out of here with strong decisions because the suggestions and discussion of the criticisms about the shortcomings are very valuable for us.”   'WE WILL MAKE A VOICE IN EVERY AREA'   Adding that the AKP-MHP government, which has achieved its numerical majority in the parliament, will not achieve any results, Bucak said: “We are confident that the Women's council, women's resistance, women's action, women's policies will be carried out by our friends elected with much stronger voices. We will strengthen this process not only in the political corridors of Ankara, but also in the streets, neighborhoods and areas in a stronger and more organized way. Then this misogynistic power bloc will have to take a step back against us. We have full faith in that.”   'WE WANT TO LIVE AS AN ORGANIZED SOCIETY'   Stating that women claim to change and transform society, Rosa Women's Association Board Member Suzan İşbilen said: “We want to live as an organized society because for years there has been an intense pressure on the Kurdish people, assimilation policies. The Kurds can only oppose these policies in an organized manner. That's why we left behind 14-28 May. We also worked in this process, but our duties and responsibilities are not linked to the election process."