Penalty for Kurdish musician over 'unlawful evidence' 2023-06-21 12:01:03 ISTANBUL - Kurdish musician Cafer Alp, who was on trial for the songs he sang, was sentenced to prison for secret shootings considered "unlawful evidence". Musician Cafer Alp, who participated in the picnic organized by the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) in Bursa on May 7, 2017, was detained on the day of the event because of the songs he sang at the picnic. Alp was arrested by the court he was brought to after a 2-day detention process. A lawsuit was filed against Alp, who was released on August 24, 2017, on charges of "making propaganda for a terrorist organization". The Bursa 8th High Criminal Court sentenced Alp to 1 year and 8 months in prison for "making propaganda for a terrorist organization" after a trial that lasted for about 6 years.   PENALTY FOR 'UNLAWFUL EVIDENCE'!   The court announced its reasoned decision on May 23, 2023. In the decision, the Turkish song " We are honorable people" and the song "Long live YPG", which Alp sang at the event, were considered crimes. In addition, the expressions "Kurdistan", "guerrilla" and "YPG" in the songs Alp sang were made the subject of accusations.   In the reasoned decision, it was stated that Alp participated in the picnic as a musician, and it was stated that the shooting made by the police was a "secret shooting". In the decision, it was emphasized that the secret shooting was not the shooting according to the relevant law and was "unlawful evidence"; however, despite the secret shootings in question, it was noteworthy that Alp was sentenced.``   CONDEMNATION FROM ALP TO THE DECISION   Speaking about the punishment given to him, Alp said: " The intolerance towards Kurdish artists and the Kurdish language continues. We do not give up against the pressures of the government. We do not want to be subjected to police violence and arrests due to their cultural and artistic activities. We keep our culture alive and freely and in accordance with our essence. We work to live a life. By not allowing this, they are trying to cause trouble. But we are not daunted. These words, actions and punishments will never put pressure on us. Our will will never be broken. We will resist oppression because if we accept, a folk reality, a cultural reality that is about to disappear, will emerge. Everyone should hear about this injustice. At least conscientious people will respond to this persecution one way or another.  We called for "protecting the Kurdish culture" against the policies of denial."   MA / Rukiye Adıgüzel