Bafil Talabani: We have no choice but to unite 2023-06-01 14:32:53   NEWS CENTER - PUK Leader Bafil Talabani, who published a message on the anniversary of the establishment of the PUK, said: "The party and our personal interests should not let us forget our great purpose. We have no choice but to unite."   Bafil Talabani, leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK), published a message on the 48th anniversary of his party. Talabani drew attention to the dangers to the Kurdistan Region in his message.   'WE HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO UNITE'   Talabani said: "Let's all move Kurdistan to a beautiful future together, we should focus on dialogue and discussion and avoid oppression in order to solve the problems. The life and success of our people should be our main concern. The party and our personal interests should not let us forget our great purpose. Kurdistan is a sensitive region where great changes are experienced. We have no other choice but to unite to protect the sovereignty of the region."   Stressing that the PUK has always taken the lead in cooperation and joint work to serve the people of Kurdistan, Talabani said: “The PUK has always called for unity and solidarity because according to us, our strength depends on unity and solidarity. For this reason, all our demands and initiatives in Baghdad are for the real representation and legal rights of the people of the region. We want to strengthen life together on a common ground and provide a good future for our country and our people."